
27.07.2007 00:34,, Craig White wrote::
> On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 00:04 -0400, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Troy Daniels wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Coming at this issue with fresh eyes I noticed you seem to have replaced 
>>> the 'delete_catalog_backup' script call in your catalog backup job with 
>>> 'end_of_backup.sh'
>>> Unless I'm mistaken, I believe this script is run by the Director, not 
>>> the storage daemon.
>>> By default IIRC, the director runs as user bacula group bacula and 
>>> probably doesn't have permission to access your tape drive.
>>> On top of that, depending on your configuration, the SD probably has 
>>> your tape drive locked/blocked so the script couldn't eject the tape 
>>> anyways.
>>> One alternative that *should* work, is to replace your mt commands in 
>>> the script with calls to bconsole instead.
>>> I think something like:
>>> /usr/sbin/bcnosole -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf <<EOF1
>>> umount <StorageName>
>>> EOF1
>>> Should work.
>>> You might need to run the umount command under bconsole and take note of 
>>> any extra prompts and place the appropriate answers before the EOF1 in 
>>> the above example.
>>> I probably should also mention this is all from memory so is subject to 
>>> silly mistakes :)
>> I'm not sure why the original poster is even doing this, in the face of
>> other options like "OfflineOnUmount" etc., but I haven't really had the
>> inclination to jump into it.
> ----
> The original poster (me), has found only one explanation for
> OfflineOnUmount and original poster isn't smart enough to decipher the
> real value to setting this value to yes but original poster has indeed
> set the following values in the sd.conf (thinking this is a good
> idea)...

As I never used OfflineOnUmount et al I can't comment on that. But...

>   Volume Poll Interval = 30; # hopefully 30 minutes

That should be 30 seconds; simple integers are - almost always in 
Bacula - interpreted as seconds.

>   Close on Poll = yes;
>   Maximum Open Wait = 1080;  # hopefully 18 hours

Hmmm... no. At least if my above assumption is correct.

> The explanation for using OfflineOnUmount is principally a negative and
> provides no guidance for a positive use.
> I have yet to find an explanation of 'TIME' but I have figured out that
> using something like '3d' means three days but am uncomfortable with the
> use of an integer by itself as it gives the feeling of being vague.

Well, there were / are some places where they are vague. In that case, 
try things like "30 min" and "18h". If the configuration is accepted - 
fine, otherwise it's a documentation issue or even a bug.


Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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