I've been trying to get jobs migrated off my old tape library onto my new tape 
library. I've followed the documentation online, but it seems like it is trying 
to go backwards (new library to old library). I've tried several different 
things and I keep getting an error that says "This shouldn't happen". I'm using 
the bacula 2.2.0 Debian packages from sid on Lenny, but I had the same problem 
with 2.1.28 that I built myself. A few things catch my attention:

06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir: Job queued. JobId=6256
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir: Migration JobId 6256 started.
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir: The following 1 JobIds were chosen to be migrated: 
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir: Migration using JobId=3693 
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir: Bootstrap records written to 
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir: 
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir:    
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir:    000061L3                  Neo8000                 
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir: 
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir: Start Migration JobId 6256, 
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir: Job queued. JobId=6258
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir: Migration JobId 6258 started.
06-Sep 15:24 babacula-dir: Using Device "Drive-1"
06-Sep 14:57 lsbacsd0-sd: acquire.c:115 Changing device. Want Media Type="LTO3" 
  device="IBM-1" (/dev/nst2)
06-Sep 14:57 lsbacsd0-sd: Migrate_volume.2007-09-06_15.24.49 Fatal error: 
askdir.c:332 NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!

First it says that it will use 000061L3 which is not in the source or 
destination pool. It is also in the new library. It then says that it wants 
media LTO3, but that is has LTO2 which says that it might be trying to use the 
right device. Then it has a NULL Volume name and says This shouldn't happen.

The error output seems correct:

  Build OS:               i486-pc-linux-gnu debian lenny/sid
  Prev Backup JobId:      3664
  New Backup JobId:       6257
  Migration JobId:        6256
  Migration Job:          Migrate_volume.2007-09-06_15.24.49
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 lsbacsd0-fd
  FileSet:                "Windows" 2007-03-22 16:44:22
  Read Pool:              "Monthly" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "PV132T" (From Pool resource)
  Write Pool:             "Monthly-new" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
  Write Storage:          "Neo8000" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Start time:             06-Sep-2007 15:24:53
  End time:               06-Sep-2007 15:24:54
  Elapsed time:           1 sec
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):         
  Volume Session Id:      209
  Volume Session Time:    1189109201
  Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:  Error
  Termination:            *** Migration Error ***

The correct read/write pool and storage are correct. My director conf is:

Pool {
  Name = Monthly-new
  Volume Use Duration = 20d
  Pool Type = Backup
  Storage = Neo8000
  AutoPrune = yes
  VolumeRetention = 2 years
  Recycle = yes
  Label Format = "Monthly-"

Pool {
  Name = Monthly
  Volume Use Duration = 20d
  Pool Type = Backup
  Storage = PV132T
  AutoPrune = yes
  VolumeRetention = 2 years
  Recycle = yes
  Label Format = "Monthly-LTO2-"
  Next Pool = Monthly-new

Job {
  Name = "Migrate_volume"
  Type = Migrate
  Level = Full
  Client = lsbacsd0-fd
  File Set = "Windows"
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Monthly
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
  Selection Type = Volume
  Selection Pattern = "00000*"

When we got our new library, I renamed the Monthly pool to Monthly-LTO2 and 
created a Monthly pool on the Neo8000 so that jobs would run there. I tried 
migrating jobs with that configuration and I got the error that Monthly did not 
have a next pool. So I named Monthly to Monthly-new and Monthly-LTO2 to Monthly 
and that is the config and error above. I've also tried migrating to a new pool 
that did not exist in the old library and I get the same errors as above. The 
old library was attached to the director and I was having problems so I 
attached it to the SD that has the Neo8000, so both libraries are attached to 
the same computer.

Any help or pointers will be helpful.


Life Sciences Computer Support
Brigham Young University
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