I'm not sure if this has been documented anywhere before, but I'm having
a look at disaster recovery of a Windows 2003 computer in the situation
where your director and sd are still running.

What I have done so far (I'll document it better later):

1. Do an NTBackup of your system state to C:\SystemState.bkf
2. Make sure that the SystemState.bkf is on the bacula volume you want
to restore from.
3. Create a Windows install CD, add the contents of your Bacula
directory and include your config file, and the asr.sif and asrpnp.sif
files from C:\WINDOWS\repair
4. Modify the asr.sif file to remove the call to ntbackup and replace it
with a call to cmd.exe (make sure the end of line characters remain the
5. Include on the CD a text file containing the network details, for
future reference (ip address and dns server are all that should be
6. Include any extra drivers that you might need
7. Burn the CD and make it bootable

1. Boot from the CD, and press F2 to enter ASR mode
2. Let windows do it's thing, it will restore all the partition
information exactly as it was before, eventually it will come up with a
command prompt
3. Copy Bacula from the CD to C:\Bacula
4. configure the network with netsh commands
5. Start Bacula with something like 'bacula-fd -c
6. Perform the restore from the directory (expect lots of 'file in use'
7. After the restore is complete, start ntbackup, and do a restore from
C:\SystemState.bkf (or whatever you called your system state backup)
8. Exit the command prompt and the system should reboot.

I have just tried all of the above on a domain controller and it appears
to work correctly...

I think that almost all of the backup steps could be scripted, and so
could a few of the restore steps (copying bacula to the harddisk,
configuring the network, starting bacula, and starting ntbackup)

I'll document this a bit better if anyone is interested.


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