It's a bug... look at (you must be registered), and then, search for

Summary 0000965: Batch insert fails on some MySQL installations
Description Batch insert fails on some MySQL installations, probably because the insert refers to the table columns in mixed case while the table was created with lower case characters.

and here, the patch for bacula-2.2.4:

Kern also says:

I've uploaded a patch to this bug report, which fixes the bug in all my tests.
The patch applies to version 2.2.4, and the instructions for applying it are at the top of the patch file.
I'll try it on weekend on Linux: mysql 5.0.44, bacula 2.2.4, gentoo 2007.0, kernel 2.6.22-gentoo-r5


Pd. I've used large baculas databases (2.2 Gb. after mysqldump) on smaller systems (PIII Dual, 1Gb Swap, 256Mb Ram) without problems (um... a litte slow, it's true :-)
On Monday 01 October 2007 12:58:27 Alejandro Alfonso wrote:
Thank you for the fast answer!

Um... maybe the problem is related with my server? Its a big backup
(about 1'7 Tb, many small files), and 770Gb of SQL sentences

01-Oct 04:05 poe-sd: Sending spooled attrs to the Director. Despooling
*****767,610,414***** bytes ...
01-Oct 04:08 poe-dir: FileServerFull.2007-09-28_23.13.09 Fatal error:
sql_create.c:730 sql_create.c:730 insert INSERT INTO batch VALUES
My /tmp partition its like this:

poe etc # df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda4              67G  8.9G   58G  14% /
udev                  505M  2.8M  502M   1% /dev
/dev/sda2             976M  531M  446M  55% /tmp
shm                   505M     0  505M   0% /dev/shm

And there's a problem in that partition:
Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/#sql1439_10_0.MYI';try to repair it
01-Oct 04:08 poe-dir: FileServerFull.2007-09-28_23.13.09 Fatal error:
The question is... that table was created by bacula or by mysql?


temp tables are, I think, created in /tmp with mysql. So if you have to 
despool a lot of data, all will go into the temp table in /tmp. 
500Mb free is probably much too small. It would explain why it says the table 
is corrupted and you have to repair it. I don't see a link with Bug #965.

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Patrocinador Oficial:
      Alejandro Alfonso Fernandez
      Responsable Área Corporativa
Proción 7, Portales 1-2 Edificio América II
28023 Madrid
Tfn: 902 60 25 55 - Fax: 91 452 18 08
Juan García Hortelano, 43 Edificio Telecyl
47014 Valladolid
Tfn: 902 60 25 55 - Fax: 983 428 223

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