"John Drescher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Media types are arbitrary. Two devices with the same media type, it is
>> assumed, can share volumes. If they can't, the media type needs to be
>> different. If not, they can be the same.
> Exactly. I have two DLT drives on different bacula-sds on different
> servers and they share the "DLT-IV" media type while my LTO2
> autochanger has the "LTO-2" media type. This way I can backup my DLT
> tapes on one server/sd and restore it on the other server/sd and also
> bacula will not try to share volumes from my LTO2 drives to my DLT
> since they are different...

So it's actually not bacula choosing one of the sd's (because the
restore job is tied to storage, which is tied to a device) but it's me
writing a new restore job or doing a mod?

So what is media type good for? Nobody would try to get a DDS-4 tape
into a LTO2 slot?

Yours sincerely,


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