
I am not sure if this is a bug or part of the design hence raising it here

I have two jobs which start on day x, y and z
0300 job name1 priority a (high)
0605 job name2 priority b (low)

Job name1 overruns onto day y.  Job name2 is still waiting for the higher
priority job name1 to finish.  The SD had not finished despooling job
name1 to tape by 0300 on day y when job name1 is due to start off again.

I would have expected the jobs to have run in the following order
irrespective of overruns.

job name1 priority a time t day x
wait for higher priority
job name2 priority b time t+3hrs day x
wait for already running lower priority or lower priority of a previous time
job name1 priority a time t day y
wait for higher priority
job name2 priority b time t+3hrs day y

The problem is they do not, they run in the following order
job name1 (id=205) priority a day x
waits for job name1 of day x to finish then runs
job name1 (id=220) priority a day y
job name2 (id=211) priority b day x
job name2 (id=226) priority b day y

Is this a bug?

Looking at the times, day y (the 12th) has not started to run any jobs
until id=205 of the 11th has despooled to tape, which I would expect,
except, I would have expected the next job of day x (the 11th) to have run
before any of day y (the 12th).

I have read and understood the priority section at
which does not mention this kind of thing.

status dir below shows what I mean.
status dir

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 10-Oct-07 09:48
 JobId Level   Name                       Status
   211 Increme  BackupCatalog.2007-10-11_06.05.00 is waiting for higher
priority jobs to finish
   220 Full    windows-backup.2007-10-12_03.00.01 is running
   226 Increme  BackupCatalog.2007-10-12_06.05.00 is waiting execution

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
   218  Cata     10,709    1.326 G  Diffs    11-Oct-07 12:04 wagner-verify
   215  Cata     21,859    971.4 M  Diffs    11-Oct-07 12:06
   213  Cata        110         0   Cancel   11-Oct-07 20:06 windows-verify
   205  Full        136    192.9 G  OK       12-Oct-07 05:14 windows-backup
   219  Incr         35    16.26 M  OK       12-Oct-07 05:19
   223  Incr      2,972    3.383 M  OK       12-Oct-07 05:20 orion-backup
   224  Incr      3,039    102.4 M  OK       12-Oct-07 05:21 phobos-backup
   221  Incr         64    186.8 M  OK       12-Oct-07 05:21 carcosa-backup
   225  Incr      1,755    98.43 M  OK       12-Oct-07 05:24 wagner-backup
   222  Incr     65,376    5.016 G  OK       12-Oct-07 05:42


I hope I have not explained something simple in a complicated way.

Many thanks,


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