
First of all, I use Bacula 2.2.4 on FreeBSD-6.1.

I've configured all the jobs with "Max Wait Time = 12h" - the idea of this was 
that if a job has been waiting for storage or smth too long, it will be 
cancelled, so that jobs that may have a longer wait time, may start running.

I've now had an issue with one big job: it starts, it won't complain anything 
and then, 12 hours later it gets cancelled. So I was quite surprised at this 
point. It seems that "max wait time" has caused a running job to be 
cancelled. I thought that once a job is running, the "max run time" directive 
is in charge. Have I misunderstood the letter or the directive?

The letter I received from dir was:

11-Oct 23:05 mybacula-dir: No prior Full backup Job record found.
11-Oct 23:05 mybacula-dir: No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. 
Doing FULL backup.
11-Oct 23:06 mybacula-dir: Start Backup JobId 1647, 
11-Oct 23:06 mybacula-dir: Recycled volume "client1-userdata-full-0003"
11-Oct 23:06 mybacula-dir: Using Device "device-client1"
11-Oct 23:06 mybacula-sd: Labeled new Volume "client1-userdata-full-0003" on 
device "device-client1" (/mnt/da1/bacula/client1).
11-Oct 23:06 mybacula-sd: Wrote label to prelabeled 
Volume "client1-userdata-full-0003" on device "device-client1" 
11-Oct 23:06 mybacula-dir: Max Volume jobs exceeded. Marking 
Volume "client1-userdata-full-0003" as Used.
12-Oct 11:06 mybacula-dir: client1-userdata.2007-10-11_23.05.02 Fatal error: 
Max wait time exceeded. Job canceled.
12-Oct 11:06 client1-fd: client1-userdata.2007-10-11_23.05.02 Fatal error: 
backup.c:892 Network send error to SD. ERR=Unknown error: 0
12-Oct 11:06 mybacula-sd: client1-userdata.2007-10-11_23.05.02 Fatal error: 
append.c:259 Network error on data channel. ERR=Broken pipe
12-Oct 11:06 mybacula-sd: Job write elapsed time = 12:00:03, Transfer rate = 
6.489 M bytes/second
12-Oct 11:06 mybacula-sd: Job client1-userdata.2007-10-11_23.05.02 marked to 
be canceled.
12-Oct 11:06 mybacula-dir: Bacula mybacula-dir 2.2.4 (14Sep07): 12-Oct-2007 
  Build OS:               i386-portbld-freebsd6.1 freebsd 6.1-RELEASE-p17
  JobId:                  1647
  Job:                    client1-userdata.2007-10-11_23.05.02
  Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
  Client:                 "client1-fd" 2.2.4 (14Sep07) 
  FileSet:                "userdata-client1" 2007-07-09 23:05:02
  Pool:                   "pool-client1-userdata-full" (From Job FullPool 
  Storage:                "storage-client1" (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         11-Oct-2007 23:05:01
  Start time:             11-Oct-2007 23:06:27
  End time:               12-Oct-2007 11:06:31
  Elapsed time:           12 hours 4 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       616,297
  SD Files Written:       616,297
  FD Bytes Written:       280,256,480,946 (280.2 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       280,372,343,322 (280.3 GB)
  Rate:                   6486.8 KB/s
  Software Compression:   11.6 %
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Volume name(s):         client1-userdata-full-0003
  Volume Session Id:      6
  Volume Session Time:    1192090280
  Last Volume Bytes:      280,607,076,780 (280.6 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  Canceled
  SD termination status:  Error
  Termination:            Backup Canceled


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