Good morning folks...

This is my first e-mail to the list, I'm brazilian so, sorry for my english :)

My problem is follow:

I have a dedicated backup server using bacula with disk and LTO-1 storages.
When I was using tar/star unix commands to record the tape I was
getting a transfer rate near of 45Gb/hour, what is
very good (+ or - 13.5M/s).

So I'd decide to install Bacula to do my backups that doesnt fit one tape more..

I'm using bacula 2.2.6 with MySQL 5.0.41 and recording data from the
same server. (bacula-fd, bacula-sd, bacula-dir, mysql and all backuped
data is in same server).

The problem is: When using bacula I can't get more than 20Gb/hour to the tape!.

I'd try with or without Spooling data (100G), using database
batch-insert or not..

Below I post output of one Job:

21-Nov 02:30 bloo-dir JobId 688: Start Backup JobId 688,
21-Nov 02:30 bloo-dir JobId 688: Using Device "LTO-1"
21-Nov 02:30 bloo-sd JobId 688: Spooling data ...
21-Nov 03:25 bloo-sd JobId 688: Job write elapsed time = 00:55:25,
Transfer rate = 14.57 M bytes/second
21-Nov 03:25 bloo-sd JobId 688: Committing spooled data to Volume
"BackupProsul-0002". Despooling 48,515,247,286 bytes ...
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-sd JobId 688: Despooling elapsed time = 02:11:13,
Transfer rate = 6.162 M bytes/second
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-sd JobId 688: Sending spooled attrs to the Director.
Despooling 2,251,693 bytes ...
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-dir JobId 688: Bacula bloo-dir 2.2.6 (10Nov07):
21-Nov-2007 05:37:27
  Build OS:               i686-pc-linux-gnu mandrake (Official)
  JobId:                  688
  Job:                    BackupImagens.2007-11-21_00.10.25
  Backup Level:           Differential, since=2007-11-20 02:02:21
  Client:                 "bloo-fd" 2.2.6 (10Nov07)
  FileSet:                "Imagens" 2007-09-03 14:43:17
  Pool:                   "BackupProsul" (From Job resource)
  Storage:                "LTO-1" (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         21-Nov-2007 00:10:00
  Start time:             21-Nov-2007 02:30:17
  End time:               21-Nov-2007 05:37:27
  Elapsed time:           3 hours 7 mins 10 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       7,960
  SD Files Written:       7,960
  FD Bytes Written:       48,468,569,161 (48.46 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       48,469,981,610 (48.46 GB)
  Rate:                   4316.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Volume name(s):         BackupProsul-0002
  Volume Session Id:      15
  Volume Session Time:    1195499058
  Last Volume Bytes:      94,710,712,320 (94.71 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

21-Nov 05:37 bloo-dir JobId 688: Begin pruning Jobs.
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-dir JobId 688: No Jobs found to prune.
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-dir JobId 688: Begin pruning Files.
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-dir JobId 688: No Files found to prune.
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-dir JobId 688: End auto prune.

Check this lines:
21-Nov 03:25 bloo-sd JobId 688: Job write elapsed time = 00:55:25,
Transfer rate = 14.57 M bytes/second
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-sd JobId 688: Despooling elapsed time = 02:11:13,
Transfer rate = 6.162 M bytes/second

First line we can see that my disks can copy (spooling) at this speed.
Second we see tha transfer rate to the tape (LTO1) as 6M/s, what is
very slow treating about a LTO1 tape that can reach 15M/s.

I have no more ideas how improve this speed.. I'm online at #bacula @ if someone want talk to me.

Follow some configs that I concert is important:

####### bacula-sd.conf #############
Device {
  Name = LTO-1
  Device Type = Tape
  Media Type = LTO
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  Label Media = yes;
  Requires Mount = no;
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  Close on Poll = yes;
  Offline on Unmount = yes;
  Volume Poll Interval = 40 minutes;
  # Spooling data
  Maximum Spool Size = 100 Gb;
  Spool Directory = /backup/bacula-spool;
######## bacula-sd.conf ################

######## bacula-dir.conf ################
# Clients Definitions
Client {
  Name = bloo-fd
  Address =
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = "secret"
  File Retention = 25 days
  Job Retention = 6 months
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files

Storage {
  Name = LTO-1
  Address =                # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "secret"
  Device = LTO-1
  Media Type = LTO
  Autochanger = no

Job {
  Name = "BackupImagens"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Level = Differential
  Client = bloo-fd
  FileSet = "Imagens"
  Schedule = "Imagens"
  Storage = LTO-1
  Pool = BackupProsul
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/bacula/working/BackupImagens.bsr"
  SpoolData = yes

FileSet {
  Name = "Imagens"
  Include {
    Options {
      Signature = MD5
      aclsupport = yes
    File = /imagens

Pool {
  Name = BackupProsul
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = Yes
  Auto Prune = Yes
  Volume Retention = 25 days
  Label Format = BackupProsul
#  Maximum Volume Jobs = 11
######## bacula-dir.conf ################

Any comment/help will be appreciate :)


Flávio do Carmo Júnior aka waKKu

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