---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Drescher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dec 11, 2007 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] first incremental job fails every time
To: Vladimirs Vecgailis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Dec 11, 2007 9:23 AM, Vladimirs Vecgailis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> Following situation:
> I'm recreating the bacula-db, labeling a new volume( File-based),
> starting a Full backup of a client. It works. (JobID=1)
> After that, i start an Incremental Backup - but Bacula makes
> a Full backup again (telling me "No prior Full backup Job record found.") 
> (JobID=2)
> After this, i start an Incremental Backup again - and it works! (JobID=3)
> So, bacula doesn't see the Full-Backup-job (JobID 1), as i understand it.
> Of course, it can't be a bacula error, or many people would compy about such 
> thing.
> This must be an error in my config.
> (On the other side, if i start as the first job an incremental backup, then
> bacula upgrades it to a full-backup. That's correct.
> And when i make after then as a second job an incremental backup again -
> it works correctly - the second job is done as expected as an incremental!)
> Please help me find it, i'm totally frustrated cannot find this error....
The problem is that the incremental job must be the same job as the
full. Generally you make one job per fileset and use scheduling to
schedule when fulls, incrementals and differentials occur. In the
console if you want to force a Full, incremental or differential you
use the mod command and change the level.


John M. Drescher

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