First let me say Bacula is a great tool and works very well.

My question is this: On my netapp device i have ".snapshot" directories interspersed in the file system. I need to delete these from my backup.

I have tried numerous things, first reading the manual but have not yet been successful in making this happen.

Bacula version: Version: 2.2.3 ( i know there is newer versions)

Here;s my configuration for the server to be backed up which NFS mounts the filesystems from the netapp.

# EORI NetApp

# Client (File Services) to backup
Client {
       Name = hp1-fd
       Address =
       FDPort = 9102
       Catalog = MyCatalog
       Password = "9p+R2Jyx6l1KCVyU4WSPSPPSKgeZsRyM/iMnVVG80gXL"
       File Retention = 365 days            # 30 days
       Job Retention = 365 days            # six months
       AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files
       Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
job {
       Name = "hp1-home"
       Enabled = no
       Type = Backup
       Client = hp1-fd
       FileSet = "hp1-home"
       Schedule = "EORI-Cycle"
       Storage = L700E
       Messages = Standard
       Pool = EORI
       Write Bootstrap = "/usr/local/bacula/working/hp1-home.bsr"
       Prefer Mounted Volumes = No
       Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1

# List of files to be backed up
FileSet {
       Name = "hp1-home"
       Include {
               Options {
                       signature = MD5
                       noatime= yes

               File = /net/uwyo/vol/vol0

       Exclude {
               File = core
               File = ".snapshot"

With the above job definition I still get the ".snapshot" directoies included in the backup. I know that i'm missing something about the EXCLUDE list but i can't seem to figure out what.

What do i need to change to exclude all ".snapshot" direcories inthe file system?

fn:Jeffrey Lang
org:University of Wyoming;Geology and Geophyscis
adr:;;1000 E. University Ave;Laramie;WY;72071;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Unix/Linux Systems Admiin

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