On 2008.02.13. 12:53, le dahut wrote:
> but :
> 'unmark /home/myfolder'
> 'unmark home/myfolder'
> don't work

that's unfortunate, if this is the latest version of bacula, it would be 
a welcome improvement

> 'cd home'
> 'unmark myfolder'
> works
> so 'unmark $(cat file)' doesn't work (I've tested it to be sure and 
> confirm).

you could try "cd home\nunmark whatever" in the included file - but 
you'll probably have to be careful with quoting/escaping.
creating such a file might be quite a hassle, so in that case a wrapper 
script could take simple list and construct a file for inclusion (using 
basename/dirname) - but that's a workaround for a workaround, so 
bconsole taking full paths would be ven more welcome ;)

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