Thanks Bob,

We have decided that running the restore using the Director as the client, is the best way forward. However, the issues have not changed :(

The following Job definition still saves to the remote client, using C:\E\backup:

Job        {
           Name       =        "CLIENT01-Restore"
           Type        =        Restore
           Client       =        DIRECTOR
           FileSet      =        CLIENT01
           Storage    =        DIRECTOR-sd
           Pool         =        CLIENT01
           Messages =        Standard
           Where      =        "\\E\\backup\\restored-files\\CLIENT01\\"

If I exclude the leading \\'s the files are saved in C:\WINDOWS\system32\E\backup !!!!

If I try "E*:*\\backup... (nb. the colon)... I receive the following error:

15-Feb 09:17 DIRECTOR-dir JobId 208: Start Restore Job CLIENT01-Restore.2008-02-15_09.17.31
15-Feb 09:17 DIRECTOR-dir JobId 208: Using Device "FileStorage"
15-Feb 09:17 DIRECTOR-sd JobId 208: Ready to read from volume "CLIENT01-0006" on device "FileStorage" (E:\backup). 15-Feb 09:17 DIRECTOR-sd JobId 208: Forward spacing Volume "CLIENT01-0006" to file:block 0:209.
15-Feb 09:20 CLIENT01-fd JobId 208: Error: E: is not a valid drive
15-Feb 09:20 CLIENT01-fd JobId 208: Error: ../../findlib/create_file.c:223 Could not create E:\backup\restored-files\CLIENT01\C\Documents and Settings\CLIENT01\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook/ ERR=The system cannot find the path specified.

15-Feb 09:20 CLIENT01-fd JobId 208: Error: ../../findlib/create_file.c:223 Could not create E:\backup\restored-files\CLIENT01\C\Documents and Settings\CLIENT01\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook/ ERR=The system cannot find the path specified.

15-Feb 09:20 CLIENT01-fd JobId 208: Error: ../../findlib/create_file.c:223 Could not create E:\backup\restored-files\CLIENT01\C\Documents and Settings\CLIENT01\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook/Outlook.pst: ERR=The system cannot find the path specified.


Why does it use the remote client as the FD client, even though the director is names as the client?

Thanks for your time

Bob Hetzel wrote:

In regard to your attempts to restore to a UNC path... in order to get that to work you'll need to run the bacula-FD process as a user that has permissions on both the destination where that UNC path resides and where the bacula-fd process is running.

I believe it's going to be more fruitful to just change the destination client name when you create the restore job and put it in a folder local to that destination.


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