Carlos André schrieb:
> I got a little problem here in my work :)...
> Backup policy we use a IBM LTO-3 to make full backups on fridays
> and a HP DAT72 to make incremental backups from monday to thursday
> I trying to implement Bacula (2.2.8) using same policy (LTO 3 on fridays to
> full backups, one pool per week, 365 days vol retention, AND, DAT72 on
> another days to incremental backups, one pool per day, 27 days vol
> retention), but while my tests, i got this problem:
> I make a Full Backup on friday pool to LTO3, and a Incremental on monday
> pool to DAT72... to backup it's beautiful :P   BUT, to restore, bacula asks
> for just one storage device, if i choose LTO3 storage, he restore files from
> full backup on LTO3 volume, and return a error on incremental, because he
> try to find DAT72 volume on LTO3 storage ... :( :(
> And since we have a large stock of DAT72 Tapes, and we incremental backups
> takes just one DAT72 max per day, using just LTO3 to all backups isnt a
> option :(
> I've read on manual about restriction to restore from just one device, but
> on same paragraph it's said "this restriction has been removed in version
> 2.2.0 and later"....

Ok, I just did a quick test. Full backup to LTO-3, added some files,
incremental to disk. In bconsole -> restore -> 3: Enter list of comma separated
JobIds to select -> entered the two jobids -> marked the directory with the
added files -> done

The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
   06D142L3                  NEC-T40A                  NEC-T40A                 
   Test01                    FileStorage-VUMEM004      FileStorage   

01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" 
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result 
is Slot 23.
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" 
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result 
is Slot 23.
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Ready to read from volume "06D142L3" on 
device "LTO3" (/dev/ULTRIUM-TD3).
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Forward spacing Volume "06D142L3" to 
file:block 1:0.
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: End of file 2 on device "LTO3" 
(/dev/ULTRIUM-TD3), Volume "06D142L3"
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: End of Volume at file 2 on device "LTO3" 
(/dev/ULTRIUM-TD3), Volume "06D142L3"
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: acquire.c:115 Changing device. Want Media 
Type="File" have="LTO3"
  device="LTO3" (/dev/ULTRIUM-TD3)
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Alert: smartctl version 5.36 
[x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] Copyright (C) 2002-6 Bruce Allen
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Alert: Home page is
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Alert: 
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Alert: TapeAlert: OK
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Alert: 
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Alert: Error Counter logging not supported
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Alert: 
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Alert: Non-medium error count:        0
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Media Type change.  New device 
"FileStorage" (/data/bacula-storage) chosen.
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Ready to read from volume "Test01" on 
device "FileStorage" (/data/bacula-storage).
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: Forward spacing Volume "Test01" to 
file:block 0:193.
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: End of file 0 on device "FileStorage" 
(/data/bacula-storage), Volume "Test01"
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: End of Volume at file 0 on device 
"FileStorage" (/data/bacula-storage), Volume "Test01"
01-Mär 12:14 VUMEM004-sd JobId 1383: End of all volumes.
01-Mär 12:14 VU0EM005-dir JobId 1383: Bacula VU0EM005-dir 2.2.7 (24Dec07): 
01-Mär-2008 12:14:59
  Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu debian 4.0
  JobId:                  1383
  Job:                    RestoreFiles.2008-03-01_12.14.43
  Restore Client:         VU0EM003
  Start time:             01-Mär-2008 12:14:58
  End time:               01-Mär-2008 12:14:59
  Files Expected:         31
  Files Restored:         31
  Bytes Restored:         102,400
  Rate:                   102.4 KB/s
  FD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Restore OK

01-Mär 12:14 VU0EM005-dir JobId 1383: Begin pruning Jobs.
01-Mär 12:14 VU0EM005-dir JobId 1383: No Jobs found to prune.
01-Mär 12:14 VU0EM005-dir JobId 1383: Begin pruning Files.
01-Mär 12:14 VU0EM005-dir JobId 1383: No Files found to prune.
01-Mär 12:14 VU0EM005-dir JobId 1383: End auto prune.

It seems to work fine here with bacula 2.2.7.


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