thanks..  looks like I currently have that option enabled, here is what my drive definition is from the SD conf file. I too am using an IBM LTO-4 drive, I'd like to see what you have for your drive maybe it's another setting I have awry,.

Device {
  Media Type = LTO4
  Archive Device = /dev/nst2
  Hardware End of Medium = no
  BSF at EOM = yes
  Autochanger = yes
  Drive Index = 0
  Offline On Unmount = yes
  Backward Space Record = no
  Fast Forward Space File = no
  TWO EOF = yes
  AutomaticMount = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

Jose Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa wrote:

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 9:27 AM, John Drescher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry about the late response it looks like whenever a backup run
completes and bacula finishes a volume to catalog verify run on all of
my servers, when I try to start a new backup like a normal nightly, it
throws the following error and marks the tape "Error".

01-Nov 00:01 unixtape-sd JobId 16373: Volume "027735L4" previously
written, moving to end of data.
01-Nov 01:17 unixtape-sd JobId 16373: Error: Bacula cannot write on
tape Volume "027735L4" because:
The number of files mismatch! Volume=629 Catalog=630

I have had this very same problem. In my case, it happen when the server is shutdown "uncleanly", and the tape was on the drive.... I managed to make it force by adding the TWO EOF = yes option, but I'm not sure on it :-S .

This has happen to me with LTO-4 and LTO-3 drives.  As for LTO-2: this far no problem.  I don't have the brand/model of each, but the LTO-4 is IBM and the LTO-3 is HP (I don't remember the model), LTO-2 is a Dell PowerVault, and off course, I don't remember the model number :( .

Seems to happen every time I try to start a backup after a verify run.
ever seen that before? other than that it is running great, however I
would like to get full use out of all my tapes without them getting
marked error  thanks. again.

Me too. :( I don't fully understand the effect of the TWO EOF setting, because with it enabled, the btape tests fails, nevertheless, the system works just fine with it enabled, and so far (three weeks), the backup system is working just fine (altought I have and eye on it alwayas).

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Jason Selwitz

Network Systems Administrator
Vicarious Visions
150 Broadway
Menands, NY 12204
Phone: 518-701-2488
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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