
im trying to restore one file...and im getting following error:

07-pro 12:15 iaeste-dir: Start Restore Job RestoreFiles.2008-12-07_12.15.36
07-pro 12:15 iaeste-sd: Ready to read from volume "bacula_bckp" on device
"FileStorage" (/backups/).
07-pro 12:17 iaeste-sd: RestoreFiles.2008-12-07_12.15.36 Error: block.c:305
Volume data error at 1:2893153086!
Block checksum mismatch in block=111424 len=64512: calc=3aab7635
07-pro 12:17 iaeste-dir: RestoreFiles.2008-12-07_12.15.36 Error: Bacula
1.38.11 (28Jun06): 07-pro-2008 12:17:28
  JobId:                  101
  Job:                    RestoreFiles.2008-12-07_12.15.36
  Client:                 server-fd
  Start time:             07-pro-2008 12:15:38
  End time:               07-pro-2008 12:17:28
  Files Expected:         1
  Files Restored:         0
  Bytes Restored:         0
  Rate:                   0,0 KB/s
  FD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  Error
  Termination:            *** Restore Error ***

im really new to bacula :)..and i dont like that option that i will need to
restore files sometimes and ill end with this error :/

maybe im doing something wrong..but i just cannot restore any file.

For backup I'm using media type File.

Thanks for advices, hints or anything ;))
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