Kshatriya wrote:
> Hello group,
> Lately I have a rather annoying problem. I'm using bacula already for 
> quite a long time with my AIT4 Changer without problems. I don't know 
> exactly since when (maybe during upgrades), but lately backups are often 
> failing and I don't know why. Bacula asks to mount a volume, for example :
> 06-Dec 03:21 bacula-sd JobId 16918: Please mount Volume "A082Y2" or label 
> a new
> one for:
>       Job:          OblTape.2008-12-05_21.00.29
>       Storage:      "AIT4-1" (/dev/nst0)
>       Pool:         FridayPool-Tape
>       Media type:   AIT4
> However, update slots has been run before, the volume is in the changer, 
> but it seems like Bacula doesn't run the mtx-changer script for one 
> reason or so.
> The problem is that this behaviour is not consequent. Sometimes the backup 
> just works. When it doesn't work (and asks for a tape), then I try to type 
> 'mount', but then I just get the message 'OK Mount' but nothing happens. 
> The same with umount.
> I've tried running btape with the 'test' and the 'fill' command (complete 
> test with 2 tapes) again, which works without problems and happily changes 
> tapes.
> Currently I'm using Bacula 2.4.3 with all the latest patches (incl. 
> slots-patch).
> This is my relevant bacula-sd.conf information for the autochanger:
> Autochanger {
>     Name = Autochanger
>     Device = AIT4-1
>     Changer Command = "/usr/local/bacula/etc/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
>     Changer Device = /dev/sg0
> }
> Device {
>     Name = AIT4-1
>     Drive Index = 0
>     Media Type = AIT4
>     Archive Device = /dev/nst0
>     AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
>     AlwaysOpen = no;
>     RemovableMedia = yes;
>     RandomAccess = no;
>     AutoChanger = yes;
>     Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f /dev/sg0 |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
>     Spool Directory = "/mnt/storage/spool"
> }
> I don't see any errors in the working log.
> If anybody has an idea how I can try to find out further where the problem 
> lies, or what I can do to debug things furher, please let me know.

It somehow seems awfully lot like this bug I've reported. Its just 
during a restore I notished the problem:


I havent had time to dig more into it, but it seems like the storage 
daemon actually cached the slot number from the catalog, making 
update-slots not effective even it ran correctly and updated the slots.


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