Stefan Lubitz schrieb:
> Hi all,
> sine I have added the Paramters:
>   BSFatEOM = yes;
>   TWOEOF = yes;
>   OfflineonUnmount = yes;
> the system reports the error: The number of files mismatch!
> It is every time only one file. For Example:
> Volume=3 Catalog=4 or
> Volume=350 Catalog=351
> Have I missed something in the manual? Is there an additional parameter 
> which needs to be set?
> I set this Parameters to get rid of some other error messages:
> BSFatEOM and TWOEOF for:
> 06-Dec 01:15 backup03-sd JobId 37: Error: block.c:568 Write error at 30:5629 
> on device "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error.
> 06-Dec 01:15 backup03-sd JobId 37: Error: Error writing final EOF to tape. 
> This Volume may not be readable.
> dev.c:1681 ioctl MTWEOF error on "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output 
> error.
> and:
> OfflineUnmount for:
> 06-Dec 01:15 backup03-sd JobId 37: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? 
> drive 0" command.
> 06-Dec 01:15 backup03-sd JobId 37: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result 
> is Slot 22.
> 06-Dec 01:15 backup03-sd JobId 37: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 22, 
> drive 0" command.
> 06-Dec 01:15 backup03-sd JobId 37: 3995 Bad autochanger "unload slot 22, 
> drive 0": ERR=Child exited with code 1
> Results=Unloading Data Transfer Element into Storage Element 22...mtx: 
> Request Sense: Long Report=yes
> mtx: Request Sense: Valid Residual=no
> mtx: Request Sense: Error Code=70 (Current)
> mtx: Request Sense: Sense Key=Illegal Request
> mtx: Request Sense: FileMark=no
> mtx: Request Sense: EOM=no
> mtx: Request Sense: ILI=no
> mtx: Request Sense: Additional Sense Code = 53
> mtx: Request Sense: Additional Sense Qualifier = 03
> mtx: Request Sense: BPV=no
> mtx: Request Sense: Error in CDB=no
> mtx: Request Sense: SKSV=no
> MOVE MEDIUM from Element Address 256 to 4117 Failed
> Best Regards,
> Stefan

Hi Stefan,

I've got nearly the same error after upgrading my backupserver running 
OpenSuSE 10.3 from 2Gb to 4Gb of RAM and modifying some parameters in 
BIOS regarding the handling of memorymapped IO. After installing a new 
big-smp kernel everythings works ok again. I didn't need to modify any 
bacula parameters.

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thomas Harf


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