Jeff Kalchik wrote:
>> Hello,
>>   I am currently running Ubuntu.  The bacula director and sd are on this
>> box.  I have bacula configured to spool to this box, and then it goes
>> directly to tape. I want to change how I am backing up. I would like to
>> have some period of time of disk backups, and have them
>> moved/migrated/copied to tape.
>> Should I consider linux software raid. or use a hardware raid adapter?
>> If software does the cpu choice have much of an impact?
>> I am thinking of configuring the disk as follows:
>>   One OS and database disk, maybe a mirror
>>   Two disks in raid 0 for spooling, and recovering
>>   Three or more disks in raid 5 for the sd storage.
>> Thoughts or comments on this?
> *NEVER* use  software RAID if you can avoid it.  Software RAID puts a
> pretty good hit right on your CPU.

Perhaps this applies to some versions of RAID and some implementations 
of software RAID.   It certainly does not apply to simple RAID (such as 
RAID-1) and fine implementations of software such as FreeBSD's gmirror.

I use gmirror on all my machines at home.

That said, I also have hardware RAID-1.

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