We're looking at using Bacula to back up the contents of VMware virtual
machines from snapshots of the filesystem containing the VMDK file.  In
particular, we have a test instance of FreeNAS in a VMware virtual
machine, and a server running Bacula that makes snapshots and performs
from-snapshot and from-client backups reliably (although more slowly
than we would like).


I wrote a BeforeJob script like the following:


## (omitting our standard command that makes and mounts a snapshot)

sudo mount /mnt/iofreenastest  -o  remount,rw

yes | sudo /opt/vmware-server/bin/vmware-mount.pl \

             /mnt/iofreenastest/FreeNAS.vmdk 6 /mnt/freenas-6 \

               -o ufstype=5xbsd,ro &

sleep 3

mount | grep 'on /mnt/freenas-6'      || exit 1


However, when the job ran, the director never picked up after the
BeforeJob.  A few hours later, I checked on it. Here's what some of "ps
aefx" looked like:


17247 ?        Ssl    2:02 /usr/sbin/bacula-dir -c
/etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf -

19430 ?        Z      0:00  \_ [freenas_before] <defunct>

19575 ?        S      0:00 sh -c '/opt/vmware-server/bin/vmware-loop' -q

19576 ?        S      0:01  \_ /opt/vmware-server/bin/vmware-loop -q

19577 ?        S      0:00      \_ /opt/vmware-server/bin/vmware-loop -q


(there was a "yes" process in there as well, but it has scrolled off my


I tried unsticking it by killing the "yes" process and the "sh" process,
both with no effect.  Killing the "vmware-loop" process got it going
again, but of course that unmounted the directory I wanted to back up,
and actually caused the job to fail:


18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: run command

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: Snapshot already exists.

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: Cleaning up stale snapshot
bacula-immediate-6135a of 10.x.y.z...

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: deleting snapshot...

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: LUN unmapped OK.

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: creating snapshot...

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: lun map: auto-assigned

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: iscsiadm: No active sessions.

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: 10.x.y.z:3260,2000

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: Login session [iface: default,
target: iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:sn.sn, portal: 10.x.y.z,3260]

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: Rescanning session [sid: 58,
iface: , target: iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:sn.sn, portal: 10.x.y.z,3260]

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob:

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob:

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: VMware for Linux - Virtual
Hard Disk Mounter

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: Version: 1.0 build-*****

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: Copyright 1998 VMware, Inc.
All rights reserved. -- VMware Confidential

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob:

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob:

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: It has been reported that this
program does not work correctly with 2.4+ Linux

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: kernels in some cases, and you
are currently running such a kernel. Do you

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: really want to continue? [N]

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: Network Block Device driver

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob:

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: Client: The partition is now
mapped on the /dev/nb0 Network Block Device.

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob:

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: Using another terminal, you
can now browse your Virtual Hard Disk partition in

18-Dec 19:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: /mnt/freenas-6. Hit Control-C
in this terminal when done.

19-Dec 09:46 backup-test2-dir: BeforeJob: Warning: The NBD_DO_IT ioctl
returned an error: Broken pipe

19-Dec 09:46 backup-test2-dir:
TestBackupFreeNASVmwareLoop.2008-12-18_16.55.02 Error: Runscript:
BeforeJob returned non-zero status=1. ERR=Child exited with code 1


I guess the vmware-loop process is still somehow related to the
director, which is why Bacula hung.  Has anyone gotten Bacula to mount
and back up an idle VMDK file, either with vmware-mount.pl or invoking
vmware-loop directly, or by some other program?



David Lee Lambert

Yahoo! IM:  davidleelambert * MSN IM: lambe...@cse.msu.edu

Slashdot/Sourceforge UID:  lamber45

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