> Does anybody have a howto which helps me to compile the current bacula
> version with opensolaris?
> At the moment I'm failing with missing mysql libs (even they are
> installed) during the configure process.

You need the option --with-mysql=<base-dir>, where the path to mysql_config
is <base-dir>/bin/mysql_config. Try

        # grep mysql_config /var/sadm/install/contents

if you are unsure. I suspect on OpenSolaris, the correct argument will be


but you will need to check that (I only have Solaris 10 and Solaris NV, so I
cannot check for you, although NV is very similar to OpenSolaris).

If you want to use OpenSSL, you could also add


to the configure line. I would also advise you to set the following environment
variable before running configure:

        setenv LDFLAGS "-R/usr/mysql/lib/mysql"
        export LDFLAGS

(after checking the base directory, of course)
That will put the lib directory path into the executable and save you a lot of
pain with LD_LIBRARY_PATH and/or crle :-)

My full configure goes like this:

cat >> src/qt-console/ << EOF
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-R,/usr/local/qwt-5.0.2/lib

set path = ($path /usr/local/Qt-4.3.1/bin)
setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH /usr/local/Qt-4.3.1/lib/pkgconfig
setenv LDFLAGS "-R/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql"

./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-openssl=/usr/sfw --with-qwt=/us
r/local/qwt-5.0.2 --enable-bat --enable-gnome --with-python --prefix=/usr/local/
bacula --exec-prefix=/usr/local/bacula --with-scriptdir=/usr/local/bacula/bin --
mandir=/usr/local/bacula/man --with-working-dir=/var/bacula

(but I have MySQL, QT and QWT in /usr/local, and I change the directory paths
quite a bit).


PS If you are building the Gnome console, you may have to add bindtextdomain to
the list of #undefs in src/gnome2-console/console.h - I have to do that under
Solaris 10, but not under Solaris NV.


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