
I just wanted to inform the list that I worked around the issue by minimizing 
the number of devices/storages. The problem with this is that there may be 
only as many parallel jobs as the number of devices.

I've created separate devices for the clients having biggest backups, 
currently the number is 4 and it hasn't caused the problem so far..

PS. If the issue reappears I'll create another thread for that and start 
debugging it correctly.. currently I just hope it gets solved "by itself" :)


On Thursday 05 February 2009 23:27:00 Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hi Silver,
> 05.02.2009 12:19, Silver Salonen wrote:
> > OK, so.. it seems I'm on my own again.. anyone else experiencing this 
> I suggest you start a new thread with all the details - those are not 
> easily found in the existing mails, and I guess noone here currently 
> has the spare time to collect all that...
> > The problem (once again): all the jobs that are not waiting for 
> > execution (or for any other resource), are waiting on storage.
> > 
> > And I still can't understand how can this be a support request and why it 
> > can't be considered a bug :S
> It can be considered a bug if the developers see good indications for 
> it... currently, Kern doesn't, so...
> > Could anyone else check the current information and see why it's not a 
> ... we need you relevant configuration, status output, and a backtrace 
> of the SD with debug symbols, all in one place. Or rather, the 
> developers do, but it would be best to post this here first so others 
> can check it first.
> > PS. I'm sorry I can't let it go.. but my backups are hung every night :(
> Good reasons to insist on help :-)
> And, fortunately, a good base to collect the necessary information.
> I suggest you start by restarting the complete Bacula suite and 
> collect debug output from the programs.
> Then leave it run until the problem shows up. Wait a while, and create 
> the traceback.
> Stop debug output, and shorten the output files to only show the 
> relevant information, i.e. what happens shortly before the problem 
> happens.
> Then write a short, concise description of the problem, and don't 
> forget the version of the programs, the OS, and the relevant 
> environment details you're running under.
> And then let's see if someone sees something interesting there.
> Arno

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