
lately I've seen that verify jobs that have differences just doesn't finish. 

bacula 2.4.4-b1, psql

*st dir


Running Jobs:
 JobId Level   Name                       Status
  9602 VolumeT  VerifyVU0EF005-Absicherung-MPC-Volume2.2009-02-15_11.05.43.05 
is running
  9644 VolumeT  VerifyVU0EM003.2009-02-17_07.06.00.27 has verify differences
  9652 Full    VU0EM003-FBR.2009-02-17_13.15.54.51 is running


*st client=VU0EM003

VU0EM003 Version: 2.2.8 (26 January 2008)  x86_64-pc-linux-gnu debian 4.0
Daemon started 03-Feb-09 11:39, 33 Jobs run since started.
 Heap: heap=1,679,360 smbytes=311,531 max_bytes=464,196 bufs=193 max_bufs=362
 Sizeof: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 debug=0 trace=0

Running Jobs:
JobId 9644 Job VerifyVU0EM003.2009-02-17_07.06.00.27 is running.
    Verify Job started: 17-Feb-09 07:06
    Files=105,275 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 Errors=0
    Files Examined=105,275
    Processing file: /......long path.....
    SDReadSeqNo=2844194 fd=7


The job status doesn't change (Files Examined).

* st stor


Running Jobs:
Reading: Verify Volume to Catalog Restore job VerifyVU0EM003.2009-02-17_07 
JobId=9644 Volume="vu0em003-inc-0470"
    pool="VU0EM003-Disk-Incremental" device="VU0EM003-DISK" 


Used Volume status:
06D142L3 on device "LTO3" (/dev/ULTRIUM-TD3)
    Reader=0 writers=0 devres=0 volinuse=0
vu0em003-inc-0470 on device "VU0EM003-DISK" (/data/bacula-storage/vu0em003)
    Reader=1 writers=0 devres=0 volinuse=1


The last thing I see in the log file is

17-Feb 07:23 VUMEM004-dir JobId 9644: New file: .....long path....

So, no activity since 7 hours.

This is starting to be annoying because the volumes are then locked until I
cancel thee job.

Any ideas?


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