> Hi Robert If you are working on it try to use pdo extension This can
> greatly improve the base user which would be interested
> Use bacula with sqlite -> config in sqlite with pdo
> Use bacula with mysql -> config in mysql with pdo
> Use bacula with postgresql -> config in postgresql with pdo
> Use bacula with oracle -> config in oracle with pdo
> etc ...
> But with all options present in bacula, changing time to time for
> different version
> with the possibly of using one director at one version client with
> another and sd a third (even if not recommended)
> I'm just imaging that would give you too much work.
> vi, emacs [put the name of your favorite text editor] rocks in case of
> bacula
> GUI ? there's gedit, kate, x-term+vi  :-))))

I'm using Symfony with Propel, but I'll look into pdo. The idea is that this 
will be very flexible so that anyone could easily add new directives without 
touching the code. That way new features in the future don't need to wait for 
the config tool.


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