> Hi All,
>  I'm having a non-critical problem with Bacula in my production
>  environment. I have 2 DELL TL-4000 libraries with 2 drives each.
>  For each library on the Storage daemon I defined the 2 resources
>  for the drives and 1 for the changer:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Autochanger {
>  Name = DELL-TL4000
>  Device = DELL-TL4000-Drive-1 , DELL-TL4000-Drive-2
>  Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
>  Changer Device = /dev/dell-tape
> }
> Device {
>  Name = DELL-TL4000-Drive-1                      #
>  Drive Index = 0
>  Media Type = LTO-4
>  Archive Device = /dev/dell-tape-drive-n0
>  AutomaticMount = yes;
>  AlwaysOpen = yes;
>  LabelMedia = yes;
>  RandomAccess = no;
>  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
>  Autochanger=yes
> }
> Device {
>  Name = DELL-TL4000-Drive-2
>  Drive Index = 1
>  Media Type = LTO-4
>  Archive Device = /dev/dell-tape-drive-n1
>  AutomaticMount = yes;
>  AlwaysOpen = yes;
>  LabelMedia = yes;
>  RandomAccess = no;
>  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
>  Autochanger=yes
> }
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> On the director I configured only the changer resource:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Storage {
>  Name = DELL-TL4000
>  Address =
>  SDPort = 9103
>  Password = *********************************
>  Device = DELL-TL4000-Drive-1 , DELL-TL4000-Drive-2
>  Media Type = LTO-4
>  Autochanger = yes
>  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
> }
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> and I configured the jobs using the following template:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> JobDefs {
>  Name = "dbreport_backup"
>  Type = Backup
>  Level = Incremental
>  FileSet = "DB Tables"
>  Schedule = "DBWeeklyCycle"
>  Storage = DELL-TL4000
>  Messages = Standard
>  Pool = db-daily
>  Prefer Mounted Volumes = no
>  Priority = 10
>  RunScript {
>    RunsWhen=Before
>    RunsOnClient=Yes
>    Command="/usr/local/bin/bacula_db_stop.sh"
>  }
>  RunScript {
>    RunsWhen=After
>    RunsOnClient=Yes
>    Command="/usr/local/bin/bacula_db_start.sh"
>    RunsOnFailure=Yes
>  }
> }
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I think the only interesting line from above is
> "Prefer Mounted Volumes = no".
> The problem is that I have the backup running only on the first drive
> and not on the second one. Can someone help me with this?

A single backup will only use 1 drive.


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