
My data has become a bit unruly for my tapes. I am up to 7-8 tapes per 
full backup, which even with a tape changer is becoming a bit much. I am 
thinking of rotating hard drives instead, but was thinking maybe I would 
still use tapes for incremental, and maybe the occasional full. But then 
I realized that the compression option is attached to the FileSet. So, 
it seems that I have to make two FileSets that cover the same data, so 
that one FileSet is for the tape (no compression, let the hardware do 
it) and one for the drive. But, I think that would create a further 
problem, where every time it tried to do incremental for the tape, it 
would only find any backup done to tape, and do the incremental from 
that, rather than the more recent disk backup. Is there a way to get 
around this, or do I have something thought out wrong, or am I just 
stuck using all tape or all drives?


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