In bacula-sd I have this :
Device {
   Name = Rev1
   Archive Device = "/mnt/REV70"
   Requires Mount = yes
   Mount Point = "/mnt/REV70"
   Mount Command = "/bin/mount 
/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.5-scsi-0:0:0:0 %m"
   Unmount Command = "/bin/umount %m"
   Media Type = File
   Random Access = yes
   Removable Media = yes
   AlwaysOpen = no
This is for a REV removable hard-disk.
When I put in a disk it is not mounted automatically (filesystem). When 
I label a volume on it (with bat) the disk is nicely mounted (filesystem 
level) and a label is written on it. I expected after the label is 
written that bacula also unmounts the disk (filesystem level), so I can 
eject it.
Something similar happens when I run a job for the disk : the unmounted 
disk is mounted, but afterwards I need to manually unmount it (umount 
...) to eject the disk.
What am I missing ?

Thanks for any help,
Koenraad Lelong.

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