On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 03:41:10PM -0700, Kevin Keane wrote:
> If you are using a single tape drive, you will have an issue.
> One thing you could theoretically do is configure the storage daemon, 
> storage resource, job, and pool all for multiple concurrent jobs. The 
> bacula manual explains how to do that. But I'm not sure if that really 
> gives you the results you would want, and it can potentially be a problem.

I've tried that.  But since the scheduled OS backup jobs are already
running, the client-initiated transaction log jobs are forced to wait.
> A couple other thoughts:
> - I actually shut down the monitoring system during backup runs for 
> exactly that type of reason. I know and expect that some services will 
> be slower than normal, no need to be alerted about it. I am using 
> Nagios, and simply configured a script to create a scheduled downtime 
> when the nightly backup starts. I don't know if that is acceptable for 
> your situation, of course.

It's not a question of being annoyed by the alerts.  If the logs aren't
backed up it causes the next batch of logs to not get flushed from the
database (if I understand the dba).

> - You could use spooling for the transaction logs, since you say that 
> you have local file storage available. That way, the client would see 
> the backup completed quickly, and bacula would later write the actual 
> files to tape at its convenience.

I've been unable to get Migration working as intended.  I've posted
previously about that but never got a working conclusion.

> - Maybe I'm showing my ignorance on databases here, but does it even 
> make sense to flush transaction logs to tape while the database itself 
> is being backed up? Maybe you can suspend flushing the logs during the 
> backup? My admittedly very rusty SQL Server skills seem to recall that 
> the transaction log will be cleaned up during the database backup. Not 
> sure if that still applies, or if it translates to other databases.

The full database backup is a ZFS snapshot.


Jason Dixon
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