Craig Ringer wrote:
> Frank Sweetser wrote:
>> Craig Ringer wrote:
>>> I note that deleted/renamed file tracking is no longer shown on  the
>>> bacula projects document:
>>> Is it complete? I haven't seen anything about it on the site, ML, or in
>>> the ChangeLog in current SVN. The FAQ still says deleted files aren't
>>> tracked.
>> It has been implemented in the current development code base.
> Thanks for pointing that out, as I wouldn't have known based on 
> published info.
> I've pulled svn, butchered Ubuntu's source package for 2.4 to build 2.5 
> instead, and am testing it now.
> Is bacula SVN stable enough to be worth considering for production 
> backups? ie - is there a test suite run regularly, etc? I'm in *serious* 
> need of deleted file tracking, but nervous about using a prerelease.

It's pretty close, but it also hasn't been officially blessed yet, either.

> I'm planning on running backups of the deleted-file-handling-critical 
> stuff in parallel with 2.5svn on a smaller scale for a while before I 
> even consider moving anything important over to it exclusively. I'm 
> curious to know what you think of using 2.5, with suitable testing, though.

Luckily, there's a testing framework that you can easily grab and run your own 
suite of regression tests!  You can find instructions on how to set up the 
test suite here:

and you can see the latest test results here:

Frank Sweetser fs at  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Senior Network Engineer   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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