This is the notification, that I got from the Job:

Bacula: Backup Fatal Error of bocsles-fd Full

22-Apr 02:01 bocsles-dir JobId 52: Start Backup JobId 52, 
22-Apr 02:01 bocsles-dir JobId 52: Using Device "LTO4"
22-Apr 02:01 bocsles-sd JobId 52: Error: 22-Apr 02:01 bocsles-sd JobId 52: 
Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "BoC_Save_20090421" on device "LTO4" 
bocsles-fd JobId 52:      /dev is a different filesystem. Will not descend 
from / into /dev
bocsles-fd JobId 52:      /opt is a different filesystem. Will not descend 
from / into /opt
bocsles-fd JobId 52:      /var/lib/ntp/proc is a different filesystem. 
Will not descend from / into /var/lib/ntp/proc
bocsles-fd JobId 52:      /home is a different filesystem. Will not 
descend from / into /home
bocsles-fd JobId 52:      /var/lib/ntp/proc is a different filesystem. 
Will not descend from /var into /var/lib/ntp/proc
22-Apr 03:51 bocsles-sd JobId 52: Job write elapsed time = 01:50:34, 
Transfer rate = 5.627 M bytes/second
22-Apr 04:09 bocsles-dir JobId 52: Fatal error: Can't fill File table 
Query failed: INSERT INTO File (FileIndex, JobId, PathId, FilenameId, 
LStat, MD5)SELECT batch.FileIndex, batch.JobId, Path.PathId, 
Filename.FilenameId,batch.LStat, batch.MD5 FROM batch JOIN Path ON 
(batch.Path = Path.Path) JOIN Filename ON (batch.Name = Filename.Name): 
ERR=disk I/O error

22-Apr 04:09 bocsles-dir JobId 52: Error: Bacula bocsles-dir 2.4.4 
(28Dec08): 22-Apr-2009 04:09:15
  Build OS:               powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu suse 10
  JobId:                  52
  Job:                    Nightly-Save-bocsles.2009-04-22_02.01.00.02
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 "bocsles-fd" 2.4.4 (28Dec08) 
  FileSet:                "BOC_Full_Set" 2009-03-17 02:01:00
  Pool:                   "TagesPool" (From Job resource)
  Storage:                "LTO4" (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         22-Apr-2009 02:01:00
  Start time:             22-Apr-2009 02:01:02
  End time:               22-Apr-2009 04:09:15
  Elapsed time:           2 hours 8 mins 13 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       785,734
  SD Files Written:       785,734
  FD Bytes Written:       37,207,722,525 (37.20 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       37,329,598,535 (37.32 GB)
  Rate:                   4836.6 KB/s
  Software Compression:   36.9 %
  VSS:                    no
  Storage Encryption:     no
  Volume name(s):         BoC_Save_20090421
  Volume Session Id:      1
  Volume Session Time:    1240357811
  Last Volume Bytes:      37,386,768,384 (37.38 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

22-Apr 04:09 bocsles-dir JobId 52: Begin pruning Jobs.
22-Apr 04:09 bocsles-dir JobId 52: No Jobs found to prune.
22-Apr 04:09 bocsles-dir JobId 52: Begin pruning Files.
22-Apr 04:09 bocsles-dir JobId 52: No Files found to prune.

The first time I got this error was, when I didn't notice, that my 
root-disk had no space left. After I deletet the file, that was the reason 
for the problem. I thought that the problem was solved, but I got the same 
error this night again.

I'm running Bacula 2.4.4 with SQLIGHT 3 on a SLES 10 SP2. I saw that there 
was some patches relesed on 4 April for 2.4.4 but I didn't installed them 

I hope you can help me.

Kind regards 

Wolf-Elmar Rath

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