On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 07:09:51PM +0300, Timo Neuvonen wrote:
> (Sorry John, I first accidentally sent this to you instead of the list)
> Subject: Re: run full backup in bconsole but itruns incremental after one
> full?
> > When you run a job by hand the schedule isn't involved.
> > Either way, for your "Schedule" entry you need "Level="
> > before the work "Full".
> >
> > Schedule {
> >   Name = "test"
> >   Run = Level=Full at 11:50
> > }
> >
> >
> > But, your problem is that your Job doesn't have a Default
> > Level defined.  You'll need something like this:
> >
> > Job {
> >   Name = "job_backup1"
> >   Type = Backup
> >   Level = Full
> >   .
> >   .
> > }
> >
> > On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:48:07AM -0500, Zhengquan Zhang wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> The first time I run the job it runs full well, but I tried to run it
> >> more times, it will run incremental automatically. Could anyone help me
> >> understand this? I am learning bacula and please forgive me for this easy
> >> question.
> >>
> >> *run
> >> A job name must be specified.
> >> Automatically selected Job: job_backup1
> >> Run Backup job
> >> JobName:  job_backup1
> >> Level:    Incremental
> >> Client:   client_backup1
> >> FileSet:  fileset_backup1
> >> Pool:     Default (From Job resource)
> >> Storage:  storage_backup1 (From Job resource)
> >> When:     2009-05-22 11:49:34
> >> Priority: 10
> >> OK to run? (yes/mod/no):
> >>
> One further note, that may be very obvious, but since this was a learning
> phase (well, it always is a learning phase, after a few years we just have
> proceeded to a little higher level in the studies...)

Thank you, Timo for your patience to a learner.

> When running jobs manually, any of the job parameters (level, pool, etc) may
> be changed manually from the command line by answering "mod" to the prompt
> above. These changes do not modify the original confs, but affect just to
> this spesific run.
> So, if it were intentional that job is normally run as incremental by
> default, for a single manual run it still could be promoted to full by
> answering "mod". Or vice versa (if there is no reason like a modified
> fileset why the system automatically promotes it anyway)
> But obviously there was a need to add level spec to job definition, wheter
> it should be full or whichever. IMO, it's a kind of important setting that
> it's not a good idea to only trust on internal defaults, explicitly

Thanks for pointing this out. But if I do set the runlevel for each
backup task in the schedule section of the configuration file. Do I
still need a "level=**" in a job definition? I remember for a few
config files I saw on the web, the level of the backup are always
explicitly stated in the schedule section. So I don't truly understand
why we neede a default backup level in the job definition. Could you
help me understand this?

> mentioning the level in the conf file makes it easier to read and understand
> the configuration. However, to keep the conf more clear, I think it's a good
> idea to specify in the job definition a level that will be used most often,
> and only specify a minimal amount of changes in the schedule. So, I would
> usually prefer "incremental" in the job definition, unless it's really
> desirable to run the job as "full" every time. In this sense, in the
> original conf the "full" setting only in the schedule seemed reasonable.
> Btw, if there is a need to add more job definitions to the conf in the
> future, have a look at "job defaults" section. This way there is no need to
> repeat all the settings for every job definition. It's a kind of named
> "macro" that is referred to in the job definition.

Thanks for this suggestion. I will definetely use this feature once I
get the backup running correctly.



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