I am running thru the bacula setup list from the Bacula manual and testing a 
two tape fill. The problem I have is that I get a fatal error.

Here is the btape output with the error
09-Jun 18:15 btape JobId 0: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 2, drive
0" command.
09-Jun 18:17 btape JobId 0: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 2, drive 0",
status is OK.
09-Jun 18:17 btape: Fatal Error at dev.c:1705 because:
dev.c:1704 Attempt to WEOF on non-appendable Volume
Wrote Volume label for volume "TestVolume2".
09-Jun 18:17 btape JobId 0: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "TestVolume2"
on device "Drive0" (/dev/nst0)

I have read that my tape drive, the WEOF settings and mtx-changer timeout all 
could affect this and I have tried some modifications.

Here is my current setup:

OS: Ubuntu Linux v.9.04
Tape: Dell PowerVault 124T w/ LTO-2 drive (tape FW 1914 [latest])

Here is the tape drive stanza from bacula-sd.conf
Some of these settings may be wrong since I am transitioning bacula from a 
crashed FreeBSD box to Ubuntu Linux.

Device {
  Name = Drive0                      #
  Media Type = dell-lto2 
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  AutoChanger = yes;
  Offline On Unmount = no
  Hardware End of Medium = no
  BSF at EOM = no
  Backward Space Record = no
  Fast Forward Space File = no
  TWO EOF = no

Here are the settings from mtx-changer.conf


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