On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Jonathan Bayer<jba...@regiscope.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-06-15 at 21:09 +0200, Arno Lehmann wrote:
>> Hello,
>> 15.06.2009 19:49, Dirk Bartley wrote:
>> > OK, just re-read the storage= option under pool and it is a little bit
>> > confusing to me because I always thought the storage came from the job
>> > defaults, then the schedule resource for that run if it has an override.
>> >
>> >>From the docs, this means my assumtion was incorrect.
>> >
>> > "The Storage resource may also be specified in the Job resource, but the
>> > value, if any, in the Pool resource overrides any value in the Job. This
>> > Storage resource definition is not required by either the Job resource
>> > or in the Pool, but it must be specified in one or the other. If not
>> > configuration error will result."
>> >
>> > I'd still look at the storage on the job's log.  You may want to choose
>> > to put the storage= in the schedule resource just to make sure.
>> It's also important to NOT use the same media type for volumes handled
>> by different storage devices that don't really share the same set of
>> volumes.
> But this is EXACTLY what I'm doing.  Same media type (File), two
> different devices.
> In fact, I can see this happening in many environments.  What about a
> site that has multiple tape drives, all of the same type?
That is fine if a user can insert the media from one drive to the
other. If they are in separate locations or you do not want to switch
media back and forth between devices its best to make them different
media type so bacula does not request media that you will not have.

> This is a bug, not a "Feature"
> For now, I've solved the problem by putting two labels on the same
> external drive.  This way it can read from one and write to the second.

I am confused at that. A single volume can only have 1 label.

Also you really should be limiting your volume size on both media in
some way (max volume size, use volume once ...) otherwise you will
have to recycle the entire volume when it eventually fills up.

I think when you created what you call a new label you actually
created a second volume on the hard drive.


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