-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello,
Forgive me for the O/T post, but I know several people here are using Quantum Superloaders and have wondered how the mailslot could be used, given that it cannot be addressed via mtx. I found this on the web: http://www.symantec.com/connect/forums/ejecting-tapes-library-after-job-completion-quantum-superloader-3 I removed the 'Windows-ness' and this is what it boils down to: Refreshing the commands page: wget -O /dev/null -q --http-user=guest --http-password=guest "" Moving tape from Slot 4 to Mailslot: wget -O /dev/null -q --http-user=guest --http-password=guest "" (wait for user to take out tape after doing this) Move tape from Mailslot to Slot 4: wget -O /dev/null -q --http-user=guest --http-password=guest "" (User will have to put tape in and confirm it on the display.) This can be used to get the status page (no auth required) wget -q "" The resulting status.html can be checked for the current Autoloader and drive status (look for Idle to make sure they're not busy before doing any operations .....). I plan to use this in combination with 'mtx status' and a few SQL queries to automatically remove Volstatus = 'Full' tapes and insert Recycled ones. (Query SQL to find volume names of 'Full' volumes, cross reference with mtx status to find related slot numbers, eject them to mailslot (one by one), find 'Recycled' volumes to insert, locate free slots and move tape from mailslot there, ...) The whole thing isn't set in stone yet and might fall under the table. If I do complete it, I'll share the resulting scripts here and on the bacula wiki. (Not sure what language I'll be using yet as I'm actually no good at coding.) Greetings, Michel -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32) iEYEARECAAYFAkpDWEgACgkQ2Vs+MkscAyVc5wCeP3RUT42yVvjP9VgfsxJo6iq0 kfMAoJk2bhlmMTrJPx6s29Us07lWrnCw =sy6D -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users