Tom Sommer wrote:
> Bruno Friedmann wrote:
>> Tom Sommer wrote:
>>> I've recently deleted some clients from my directory configuration.
>>> However when I look in the Client table in MySQL, the clients are still
>>> there.
>>> I suspect the jobs and files won't be purged correctly since I removed
>>> the clients from the configuration, and so Bacula won't autopurge these
>>> records, and I don't want stale data or clients on my volumes.
>>> So what is the correct procedure to wipe client records from Bacula?
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> Tom Sommer
>> After having made a reload of configuration ( just to be sure your client 
>> are away )
>> You can play with the dbcheck utility, which can clean orphaned records.
>> Read the wiki, manual, and mail list ( as dbcheck can run hours, days ) for 
>> good advise.
> Okay, I was afraid dbcheck was the only solution. Thanks.
> --
> // Tom

If too afraid, you can also dig with sql in the db .. :-)))


     Bruno Friedmann

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