You're right; I was looking at something else entirely - I was comparing 
file_fp_idx and file_jobid_idx with a 3rd set of numbers I forgot to post - the 
numbers after running the vacuumdb, and then subsequently running the REINDEX 
command; they were identical.  So, I guess it's no longer true that vacuumdb 
increases the indexes; it must reindex automatically now.

I ended up running dbcheck 3 more times.  The first time got another 
10,000,000, the second another 8,000,000+, and the 3rd was trivial.  Running it 
a fourth time came up all 0s.  Running another full vacuum got the DB size down 
to 597MB, which sounds right.

So, there has been a job in the crontab that runs the standard vacuumdb (not 
full), but, it does this while Bacula is running.  For the past few days, while 
running the full vacuum, I shut it off as a precaution.  Perhaps I should 
modify the script to shut down Bacula during the standard vacuum?  Is this 


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Simmons [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 13:11
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Catalog too big / not pruning?

>>>>> On Thu, 6 Aug 2009 05:59:24 -0700, Jeremy Koppel said:
> We're running Postgresql 8.0.8; we can't currently update this machine
> (we'll have to move Bacula to a newer box when we have one available).  Ran
> that query, and the top 4 do have very large numbers:
>              relname             |  reltuples  | relpages
> ---------------------------------+-------------+----------
>  file                            | 3.28168e+07 |   592614

OK, that is 147 bytes per row, which is about what you would expect.

>  file_fp_idx                     | 3.28168e+07 |   378580
>  file_jobid_idx                  | 3.28168e+07 |   368832
>  file_pkey                       | 3.28168e+07 |   364870
> And running vacuumdb with the --analyze flag says:
> INFO:  "file": found 0 removable, 32828342 nonremovable row versions in 
> 592867 pages
> DETAIL:  0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
> Nonremovable row versions range from 113 to 154 bytes long.
> ...
> I ran the full vacuum after that, and now it is down to 5.9GB, so I guess
> all those records really weren't taking up much space.  Also, the indexes
> actually got bigger:
>          relname         |  reltuples  | relpages
> -------------------------+-------------+----------
>  file                    | 3.28283e+07 |   592684
>  file_fp_idx             | 3.28283e+07 |    90029
>  file_jobid_idx          | 3.28283e+07 |    71896
>  file_pkey               | 3.28283e+07 |    71895
> I read up on it and saw that this was expected behavior, and that running a
> reindex on the table should fix it.  So I ran REINDEX TABLE file;, but that
> didn't have any effect.  I'll do some looking into that today.

Look again at the sizes -- they actually got 5x smaller!  Initially they were
very bloated compared to the table size.

> Also, I found the output from dbcheck curious.  Of all the orphaned records
> it found, the file records were an even number: 10,000,000.  It sort of
> seems like maybe dbcheck can only clean 10,000,000 records at a time.  : )
> So, I have just now started running it again, and so far it has found 0 bad
> Path records, 0 bad Filename records, etc., all 0 this time, until it got to
> File records, where it says again: Found 10000000 File records, Deleting
> 10000000 orphaned File records.

Yes, I think there is a limit on the number of file records it will delete
each time.


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