Grzegorz Bystrzyński pisze:
> Hi all
> I have configured Bacula 3.0.0 Director + Storage on FreeBSD 7.0 plus 
> some file daemons on a variety of systems. So far all works well 
> (scheduled backup, restoring on demand).
> Now I have a following problem. On one of the clients (Windows 2003, 
> Bacula 3.0.0) I need to restore some files using an external program. 
> According to the docs it can be acomplished by bconsole. I have a list 
> of files to restore in a file called jobfiles, it is saved in C:\temp. 
> Firstly, I wanted to test if I can use the list in bconsole. When I try 
> to run a command in bconsole:
> restore client=puma-fd file=<jobfiles
> the output is
> Cannot open file joblist: ERR=No such file or directory
> To run bconsole, first I run cmd, then cd to C:\temp, then I just type 
> bconsole.
> Bconsole can write to C:\temp, because commands @tee and @output work 
> just fine. It just can`t read. I also tried to give a full path to the 
> file, like so
> restore client=puma-fd file<C:/temp/jobfiles
> It also failed.
> Please give me some insight.
> Regards,
> Grzegorz Bystrzyński

Sorry, the above error line incorrect, the one below is correct:
Cannot open file jobfiles: ERR=No such file or directory
I was working on a couple of files with diffrent filenames and cited a 
wrong line.

Grzegorz Bystrzyński

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