At the server try to ping to your bacula server, make sure that it's
responding with the real IP and not

Try to telnet from the server to the client at port 9102


2009/9/1 Syn, Joonho <>

>  Hi,
> I’m trying to add my first windows client to my test instance of bacula
> running on RHEL5 but I keep getting Authentication Failed errors.  It claims
> that I have an incorrect password but I know this is not true.  Since the
> client is a laptop I thought perhaps that bacula might be confused since it
> has a wireless  and wired interface but this is not the case since I
> hard-coded the IP into the bacula-dir.conf.   I’ll paste the bacula-dir.conf
> and the bacula-fd.conf from the client.
> Error message:
> 31-Aug 14:39 bacula-dir JobId 237: No prior Full backup Job record found.
> 31-Aug 14:39 bacula-dir JobId 237: No prior or suitable Full backup found
> in catalog. Doing FULL backup.
> 31-Aug 14:39 bacula-dir JobId 237: Start Backup JobId 237,
> Job=us-sfo1-521.2009-08-31_14.39.19_03
> 31-Aug 14:39 bacula-dir JobId 237: Using Device "bacula-sd"
> 31-Aug 14:39 bacula-dir JobId 237: Fatal error: Unable to authenticate with
> File daemon at "". Possible causes:
> Passwords or names not the same or
> Maximum Concurrent Jobs exceeded on the FD or
> FD networking messed up (restart daemon).
> Please see *
> * for help.
> 31-Aug 14:39 us-sfo1-521-fd: Fatal Error at
> /home/kern/bacula/k/src/filed/authenticate.c:143 because:
> Incorrect password given by Director at client.
> 31-Aug 14:39 bacula-dir JobId 237: Warning: Unexpected Client Job message:
> 2999 Authentication failed.
> 31-Aug 14:39 bacula-dir JobId 237: Fatal error: No Job status returned from
> FD.
> 31-Aug 14:39 bacula-dir JobId 237: Error: Bacula bacula-dir 3.0.1
> (30Apr09): 31-Aug-2009 14:39:32
>   Build OS:               i686-redhat-linux-gnu redhat Enterprise release
>   JobId:                  237
>   Job:                    us-sfo1-521.2009-08-31_14.39.19_03
>   Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
>   Client:                 "us-sfo1-521-fd"
>   FileSet:                "Win Client Set" 2009-08-28 13:43:43
>   Pool:                   "Default" (From Job resource)
>   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
>   Storage:                "bacula-sd" (From Job resource)
>   Scheduled time:         31-Aug-2009 14:39:18
>   Start time:             31-Aug-2009 14:39:21
>   End time:               31-Aug-2009 14:39:32
>   Elapsed time:           11 secs
>   Priority:               10
>   FD Files Written:       0
>   SD Files Written:       0
>   FD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
>   SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
>   Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
>   Software Compression:   None
>   VSS:                    no
>   Encryption:             no
>   Accurate:               no
>   Volume name(s):
>   Volume Session Id:      23
>   Volume Session Time:    1251415297
>   Last Volume Bytes:      4,123,946 (4.123 MB)
>   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
>   SD Errors:              0
>   FD termination status:  Error
>   SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
>   Termination:            *** Backup Error ***
> Bacula-fd.conf on the windows client:
> Director {
>   Name = bacula-dir
>   Password = "ihatevista"
> }
> Director {
>   Name = bacula-mon
>   Password = "FB137AJQy/jgalkgiEE5q2GxpW7cb9XAC/m1m0x9jvYA"
>   Monitor = yes
> }
> FileDaemon {                          # this is me
>   Name = us-sfo1-521-fd
>   FDport = 9102                  # where we listen for the director
>   WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Program Files\\Bacula\\working"
>   Pid Directory = "C:\\Program Files\\Bacula\\working"
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
> }
> # Send all messages except skipped files back to Director
> Messages {
>   Name = Standard
>   director = bacula-dir = all, !skipped, !restored
> }
> Bacula-dir.conf
> Director {                            # define myself
>   Name = bacula-dir
>   DIRport = 9101                # where we listen for UA connections
>   QueryFile = "/usr/lib/bacula/query.sql"
>   WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula"
>   PidDirectory = "/var/run"
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
>   Password = "Hvq3ZzJhDrpvj69RllRWTH98KEP6PM/RFtzwBnZIh6UO"         #
> Console password
>   Messages = Daemon
> }
> JobDefs {
>   Name = "DefaultJob"
>   Type = Backup
>   Level = Incremental
>   Client = bacula-fd
>   FileSet = "Full Set"
>   Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
>   Storage = bacula-sd
>   Messages = Standard
>   Pool = Default
>   Priority = 10
> }
> JobDefs {
>   Name = "WinClientJob"
>   Type = Backup
>   Level = Incremental
>   Client = us-sfo1-521-fd
>   FileSet = "Win Client Set"
>   Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
>   Storage = bacula-sd
>   Messages = Standard
>   Pool = Default
>   Priority = 10
> }
> #
> # Define the main nightly save backup job
> #   By default, this job will back up to disk in
> Job {
>   Name = "Client1"
>   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
>   Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/Client1.bsr"
> }
> Job {
>   Name = "us-sfo1-521"
>   JobDefs = "WinClientJob"
>   Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/us-sfo1-521.bsr"
> }
> # Backup the catalog database (after the nightly save)
> Job {
>   Name = "BackupCatalog"
>   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
>   Level = Full
>   FileSet="Catalog"
>   Schedule = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
>   RunBeforeJob = "/usr/lib/bacula/make_catalog_backup bacula bacula"
>   RunAfterJob  = "/usr/lib/bacula/delete_catalog_backup"
>   Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/BackupCatalog.bsr"
>   Priority = 11                   # run after main backup
> }
> #
> # Standard Restore template, to be changed by Console program
> #  Only one such job is needed for all Jobs/Clients/Storage ...
> #
> Job {
>   Name = "RestoreFiles"
>   Type = Restore
>   Client=bacula-fd
>   FileSet="Full Set"
>   Storage = bacula-sd
>   Pool = Default
>   Messages = Standard
>   Where = /bacula-restores
> }
> # List of files to be backed up
> FileSet {
>   Name = "Full Set"
>   Include {
>     Options {
>       signature = MD5
>     }
>     File = /root/rpmbuild/BUILD/bacula-3.0.1
>   }
>   Exclude {
>     File = /proc
>     File = /tmp
>     File = /.journal
>     File = /.fsck
>   }
> }
> FileSet {
>   Name = "Test Set"
>   Include {
>     File = /home/joonho/baculaTEST
>     Options {
>       signature = MD5
>     }
>   }
> }
> FileSet {
>   Name = "Win Client Set"
>   Include {
>     File = "C:\\Users\\joonho\\Documents"
>     File = "C:\\Users\\joonho\\Desktop"
>     Options {
>       signature = MD5
>     }
>   }
> }
> #
> # When to do the backups, full backup on first sunday of the month,
> #  differential (i.e. incremental since full) every other sunday,
> #  and incremental backups other days
> Schedule {
>   Name = "WeeklyCycle"
>   Run = Full 1st sun at 23:05
>   Run = Differential 2nd-5th sun at 23:05
>   Run = Incremental mon-sat at 23:05
> }
> # This schedule does the catalog. It starts after the WeeklyCycle
> Schedule {
>   Name = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
>   Run = Full sun-sat at 23:10
> }
> # This is the backup of the catalog
> FileSet {
>   Name = "Catalog"
>   Include {
>     Options {
>       signature = MD5
>     }
>     File = /var/lib/bacula/bacula.sql
>   }
> }
> # Client (File Services) to backup
> Client {
>   Name = bacula-fd
>   Address = bacula
>   FDPort = 9102
>   Catalog = MyCatalog
>   Password = "KIwg15/LKvs0jRssiRDUwbW8HKrjTx5vTqkGp5Mx9bNL"          #
> password for FileDaemon
>   File Retention = 30 days            # 30 days
>   Job Retention = 6 months            # six months
>   AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files
> }
> #
> # Second Client (File Services) to backup
> #  You should change Name, Address, and Password before using
> #
> Client {
>   Name = us-sfo1-521-fd
>   Address =
>   FDPort = 9102
>   Catalog = MyCatalog
>   Password = "ihatevista"         # password for FileDaemon 2
>   File Retention = 30 days            # 30 days
>   Job Retention = 6 months            # six months
>   AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files
> }
> # Definition of file storage device
> Storage {
>   Name = bacula-sd
> # Do not use "localhost" here
>   Address =                # N.B. Use a fully
> qualified name here
>   SDPort = 9103
>   Password = "JnXgXsikdZpeDukyb2V5IeR5ivxzHPkeiGFosixhok0y"
>   Device = bacula-sd
>   Media Type = File
> }
> # Generic catalog service
> Catalog {
>   Name = MyCatalog
> # Uncomment the following line if you want the dbi driver
> # dbdriver = "dbi:mysql"; dbaddress =; dbport =
>   dbname = "bacula"; dbuser = "bacula"; dbpassword = ""
> }
> # Reasonable message delivery -- send most everything to email address
> #  and to the console
> Messages {
>   Name = Standard
> #
> # NOTE! If you send to two email or more email addresses, you will need
> #  to replace the %r in the from field (-f part) with a single valid
> #  email address in both the mailcommand and the operatorcommand.
> #  What this does is, it sets the email address that emails would display
> #  in the FROM field, which is by default the same email as they're being
> #  sent to.  However, if you send email to more than one address, then
> #  you'll have to set the FROM address manually, to a single address.
> #  for example, a ' <>',
> is better since that tends to
> #  tell (most) people that its coming from an automated source.
> #
>   mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s
> \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
>   operatorcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\"
> -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
>   mail = XXXXX = all, !skipped
>   operator = XXXXX = mount
>   console = all, !skipped, !saved
> #
> # WARNING! the following will create a file that you must cycle from
> #          time to time as it will grow indefinitely. However, it will
> #          also keep all your messages if they scroll off the console.
> #
>   append = "/var/lib/bacula/log" = all, !skipped
> }
> #
> # Message delivery for daemon messages (no job).
> Messages {
>   Name = Daemon
>   mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s
> \"Bacula daemon message\" %r"
>   mail = XXXXX = all, !skipped
>   console = all, !skipped, !saved
>   append = "/var/lib/bacula/log" = all, !skipped
> }
> # Default pool definition
> Pool {
>   Name = Default
>   Pool Type = Backup
>   Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle
> Volumes
>   AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
>   Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year
> }
> # Scratch pool definition
> Pool {
>   Name = Scratch
>   Pool Type = Backup
> }
> #
> # Restricted console used by tray-monitor to get the status of the director
> #
> Console {
>   Name = bacula-mon
>   Password = "/ViIdJqzPwkqplG/CnTvc7LXVYyr/vvu+kSj7UKCy19I"
>   CommandACL = status, .status
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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