> I would like to move MYSQL database to another server. But when I run any
> job I have message like below:
I can tell you that this works. My database has always (5+ years)
existed on a different server than the director.
> 09-paĹş 07:40 max-dir: TygWymiatacz.2009-10-09_07.40.25 Fatal error:
> sql_create.c:85 sql_create.c:85 insert INSERT INTO Job
> (Job,Name,Type,Level,JobStatus,SchedTime,JobTDate) VALUES
> ('TygWymiatacz.2009-10-09_07.40.25','TygWymiatacz','B','I','C','2009-10-09
> 07:40:23',1255066823) failed:
> Field 'ClientId' doesn't have a default value 09-paĹş 07:40 max-dir:
> TygWymiatacz.2009-10-09_07.40.25 Fatal error: sql_create.c:87 Create DB Job
> record INSERT INTO Job (Job,Name,Type,Level,JobStatus,SchedTime,JobTDate)
> ('TygWymiatacz.2009-10-09_07.40.25','TygWymiatacz','B','I','C','2009-10-09
> 07:40:23',1255066823) failed. ERR=Field 'ClientId' doesn't have a default
> value
> What can I do?
> Bartosz.

I have never seen this error.

How did you move the database? Using mysqldump then pipe the output
file to mysql on the new machine?



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