
bacula 3.0.2, psql, debian etch

Every now and then I receive error mails about missing files from verify jobs
where I can't find the problem.

The backup job:

31-Okt 03:34 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16728: Bacula VUMEM004-dir 3.0.2 (18Jul09): 
31-Okt-2009 03:34:20
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu debian 4.0
  JobId:                  16728
  Job:                    Client.2009-10-31_03.05.00_14
  Backup Level:           Differential, since=2009-10-10 03:05:02
  Client:                 "Client-fd" 2.4.4 (28Dec08) 
  FileSet:                "Client" 2008-03-06 17:49:14
  Pool:                   "Client-Disk-Differential" (From Run pool override)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "Client-DISK" (From Pool resource)
  Scheduled time:         31-Okt-2009 03:05:00
  Start time:             31-Okt-2009 03:05:01
  End time:               31-Okt-2009 03:34:20
  Elapsed time:           29 mins 19 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       50,755
  SD Files Written:       50,755
  FD Bytes Written:       19,316,909,162 (19.31 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       19,324,603,637 (19.32 GB)
  Rate:                   10981.8 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               no
  Volume name(s):         client-diff-0133|client-diff-0136|client-diff-0268
  Volume Session Id:      1418
  Volume Session Time:    1251447295
  Last Volume Bytes:      14,153,152,558 (14.15 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

The verify job:

31-Okt 10:05 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737: Verifying against JobId=16728 
31-Okt 10:05 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737: Bootstrap records written to 
31-Okt 10:05 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737: Start Verify JobId=16737 
Level=VolumeToCatalog Job=VerifyClient.2009-10-31_10.05.00_37
31-Okt 10:05 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737: Using Device "Client-DISK"
31-Okt 10:05 VUMEM004-sd JobId 16737: Ready to read from volume 
"client-diff-0133" on device "Client-DISK" (/data/bacula-storage/client).
31-Okt 10:05 VUMEM004-sd JobId 16737: Forward spacing Volume "client-diff-0133" 
to file:block 2:1088929995.
31-Okt 10:07 VUMEM004-sd JobId 16737: End of Volume at file 3 on device 
"Client-DISK" (/data/bacula-storage/client), Volume "client-diff-0133"
31-Okt 10:07 VUMEM004-sd JobId 16737: Ready to read from volume 
"client-diff-0136" on device "Client-DISK" (/data/bacula-storage/client).
31-Okt 10:07 VUMEM004-sd JobId 16737: Forward spacing Volume "client-diff-0136" 
to file:block 0:227.
31-Okt 10:07 VUMEM004-sd JobId 16737: End of Volume at file 3 on device 
"Client-DISK" (/data/bacula-storage/client), Volume "client-diff-0136"
31-Okt 10:07 VUMEM004-sd JobId 16737: Ready to read from volume 
"client-diff-0268" on device "Client-DISK" (/data/bacula-storage/client).
31-Okt 10:07 VUMEM004-sd JobId 16737: Forward spacing Volume "client-diff-0268" 
to file:block 0:227.
31-Okt 10:16 VUMEM004-sd JobId 16737: End of Volume at file 2 on device 
"Client-DISK" (/data/bacula-storage/client), Volume "client-diff-0268"
31-Okt 10:16 VUMEM004-sd JobId 16737: End of all volumes.
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737: Warning: The following files are in the 
Catalog but not on the Volume(s):
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /usr/share/man/man1/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /usr/share/man/man8/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /usr/bin/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /etc/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /root/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /sys/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /boot/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /etc/network/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /etc/cron.daily/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /etc/postfix/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /usr/lib/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /usr/sbin/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /usr/share/doc/wget/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /usr/share/doc/libexpat1/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /usr/share/man/man3/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /usr/share/info/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       /usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/
31-Okt 10:18 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16737:       

Now a test restore of file b_bookmark.png from jobid 16728:

Enter JobId(s), comma separated, to restore: 16728
You have selected the following JobId: 16728

Building directory tree for JobId(s) 16728 ...  
45,855 files inserted into the tree.

You are now entering file selection mode where you add (mark) and
remove (unmark) files to be restored. No files are initially added, unless
you used the "all" keyword on the command line.
Enter "done" to leave this mode.

cwd is: /
$ cd /usr/share/phpmyadmin/themes/darkblue_orange/img/
cwd is: /usr/share/phpmyadmin/themes/darkblue_orange/img/

$ mark b_bookmark.png
1 file marked.

$ done


03-Nov 09:42 VUMEM004-dir JobId 16803: Bacula VUMEM004-dir 3.0.2 (18Jul09): 
03-Nov-2009 09:42:13
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu debian 4.0
  JobId:                  16803
  Job:                    RestoreFiles.2009-11-03_09.42.10_22
  Restore Client:         VUMEM004-fd
  Start time:             03-Nov-2009 09:42:12
  End time:               03-Nov-2009 09:42:13
  Files Expected:         1
  Files Restored:         1
  Bytes Restored:         372
  Rate:                   0.4 KB/s
  FD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Restore OK

And then on the server where I restored the file:

$ls -l /tmp/usr/share/phpmyadmin/themes/darkblue_orange/img/b_bookmark.png

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 372 2008-07-28 21:41 

So the file was backed up and is in the catalog, the same is true for other
files or directories I checked this way.

The problem with this is that if it happens during the weekend and a new backup
job finishes before I can check what the problem was, I can't rerun the verify
with the old jobid, because bacula can only verify the last job that finished
for a client (it would be very helpful if this restriction would be eliminated
and one could check any jobid)

Any ideas?


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