> Hello all using bacula director/storage dameon Version: 3.0.2 (18 July 2009) 
> complied from source on ubuntu 8.04.  
> Trying to backup a windows client running Version: 3.0.3 (18 October 2009) 
> VSS Linux Cross-compile Win32.
> I keep getting the "system cannot find the path specified" errors(see below) 
> seems only directories with spaces in their filename are doing this. As the 
> c:/dell which I did as a test has no spaces and backs up just fine.  I have 
> checked and double checked, these directories do exist, and need to be backed 
> up.
> Here is my fileset resource could someone please help me get this sorted? I 
> have looked high and low for a solution to this, in the docs and on google, 
> but all of what i can find seems to state this should work. Thanks in advance.
> FileSet {
>   Name = "northland2-fileset"
>  Ignore FileSet Changes = Yes
>      Include {
>     Options {
>      signature = MD5
>      Compression = GZIP
>      Exclude = YES
>      IgnoreCase = YES
>      WildDir = "[A-Z]:*/1_NOBACKUP"
> #     WildDir = "[A-Z]:/Desktop/www/*"
> #     WildDir = "[A-Z]:/Documents/My Web Sites/*"
> }
>         File = "C:/CyberMatix Point of Sale"
>         File = "C:/Documents and Settings/jerry hall/Desktop"
>         File = "C:/Documents and Settings/jerry hall/My Documents"
>         File = "C:/dell"
> }
>   Exclude {
>         File = "C:/Desktop/www"
>         File = "C:/Documents/My Web Sites"
> }
> }
> 03-Nov 19:49 northland2 JobId 1140:      Could not stat "C:/CyberMatix Point 
> of Sale": ERR=The system cannot find the file specified.
> 03-Nov 19:49 northland2 JobId 1140:      Could not stat "C:/Documents and 
> Settings/jerry hall/Desktop": ERR=The system cannot find the path specified.
> 03-Nov 19:49 northland2 JobId 1140:      Could not stat "C:/Documents and 
> Settings/jerry hall/My Documents": ERR=The system cannot find the path 
> specified.
> Give me a fast ship, for I intend to go in harms way.

Hi Ryan,
Could be possible that "CyberMatix Point of Sale" is just a mis-spelled ( found 
"CyberMatrix Point of Sale" in google ) ?
If it's the case, bacula-fd is doing well it's job :-)

You didn't specify which kind of windows you are saving, if it's Vista or more 
Desktop, My Documents etc have change.
In fact if the system is not a pure english one, They could also have other 
name ( desktop = Bureau, My Documents = Mes
Documents in french ) ....


     Bruno Friedmann

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