"Timo Neuvonen" <timo-n...@tee-en.net> writes:

> Does anyone have any more up-to-date information of this disk
> unmount issue?

IMHO, "mount/unmount" are very different operations for disk and
tapes.  For tapes, it is acceptable to leave them "mounted" in the
drive, because a "rm -rf /" won't touch them.  For disks, they are
made part of the filesystem namespace when they are mounted, so their
contents will get blown away by "rm -rf /".

That's scary to me... the only reason I'm using Bacula instead of just
RAID mirroring is that accidental or naive malicious attacks can wipe
out all my data.  I realize that moving my backups to a secure offsite
location is the only way to prevent this fully, but I'm looking for
middle ground with convenience and some measure of safety.

I'm currently using the patches mentioned by Cedric Tefft at:


in conjunction with:

Device {
  Name = FileStorage
  Media Type = File
  Archive Device = /MY-DIR/volumes
  Mount Point = /MY-DIR
  Mount Command = "/bin/mount %m"
  Unmount Command = "/bin/umount %m"
  Requires Mount = yes
  LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  AlwaysOpen = no;
  Offline On Unmount = yes

Michael FIG <mich...@fig.org> //\
   http://michael.fig.org/    \//

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