Hi all,

David Dumortier a écrit :
> Hello,
> John Drescher a écrit :
>> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 4:16 AM, David Dumortier
>> <david.dumort...@linagora.com> wrote:
>>> My bacula-sd.conf :
>>> Device {
>>>  Name = stockage
>>>  Media Type = File
>>>  Archive Device = /mnt/sauvegardes
>>>  LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled
>>> media
>>>  Random Access = Yes;
>>>  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
>>>  RemovableMedia = no;
>>>  AlwaysOpen = yes;
>>> }
>>> My bacula-dir.conf :
>>> Client {
>>>  Name = myhost
>>>  Address = myIP
>>>  FDPort = 9102
>>>  Catalog = MyCatalog
>>>  Password = "*****"
>>>  File Retention = 7 days
>>>  Job Retention = 7 days
>>>  AutoPrune = yes               # Prune expired Jobs/Files
>>> }
>> They will grow until you run out of disk space on your storage if you
>> do not set one of the 4 pool options to limit the size or usage of the
>> volumes.
>>     * Use Volume Once = yes
>>     * Volume Use Duration = ttt
>>     * Maximum Volume Jobs = nnn
>>     * Maximum Volume Bytes = mmm
>> see http://www.bacula.org/en/rel-manual/Automatic_Volume_Recycling.html
>> Also remember that retention periods do not take effect until the
>> volume is marked Full or Used.
>> John
> Ok, so I missed this point in the documentation. So I read it.
> I don't understand everything (due to my poor english or subtilities I
> don't see).
> What I have :
> Pool {
>   Name = Default
>   Pool Type = Backup
>   Recycle = yes
>   AutoPrune = yes
>   Volume Retention = 14 days
>   Maximum Volumes = 2
> }
> My volumes :
> |       4 | P21        | Append    |       1 | 239,080,660,514 | ...
> |       5 | P220001    | Append    |       1 |               0 | ...
> What I want to reconfigure (is it in the Pool section ?) :
>   Volume Use Duration = 7 days
>   Maximum Volume Bytes = 250G
> Is this make a 2 weeks rotation ? (P21 for a week, P220001 for the second
> week)
> Thank you for any help
> --
> David Dumortier

So I have this on my bacula-dir.conf
Pool {
  Name = Default
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 7 days           # one week
  Maximum Volumes = 30
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 25GB
  Volume Use Duration = 7 days

But I don't have any rotation on my SD-file.

Any help would be appreciated.
David Dumortier

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