On 11/26/2009 03:16 AM, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hello,
> 26.11.2009 08:54, Ralf Gross wrote:
>> Moby schrieb:
>>> It is my understanding that one must use the same job name for full and
>>> incremental backups, otherwise Bacula is not able to perform an
>>> incremental backup.
>>> I have a need to send full backups of machines to one disk and
>>> incremental backups to another disk.  If I have to use the same job
>>> definition for both incremental and full backups (with incremental and
>>> full backup levels being specified in the schedule definition), then how
>>> can I send full backups to one disk and incrementals to another?
>> you can overwrite the storage device and the pool in your schedule resource.
>> Schedule {
>>   Name = "Backup VU0EM005"
>>   Run = Level=Full 1st sun at 00:08
>>   Run = Level=Differential Storage=VU0EM005-DISK 
>> Pool=VU0EM005-Disk-Differential 2nd-5th sun at 00:08
>>   Run = Level=Incremental Storage=VU0EM005-DISK 
>> Pool=VU0EM005-Disk-Incremental tue-sat at 00:08
>> }
> You can also set up "Full Backup Pool", "Differential Backup Pool", 
> and "Incremental Backup Pool" directives in the job configuration, 
> then link the referenced pools to their storage device, and everything 
> works without overrides :-)
> JobDefs {
>    Name = "DefaultBackup"
>    Type = Backup
>    Level = Incremental
>    Schedule = "Regular"
>    Storage = FileCh
>    Pool = DiskShort
>    Full Backup Pool = DiskLong
>    Differential Backup Pool = DiskShort
>    Incremental Backup Pool = DiskShort
>    ...
> }
> Schedule {
>    Name = "Regular"
>    Run = Level=Full                  1st tue at 8:20
>    Run = Level=Differential          2nd-5th tue at 8:25
>    Run = Level=Incremental           sun,mon,wed-sat at 8:25
> }
> Pool {
>    Name = DiskLong
>    Storage = FileCh
>    ...
> }
> Pool {
>    Name = DiskShort
>    Storage = File3Ch
>    ...
> }
> Arno

Thanks Arno and Ralf:
I decided to go with Arno's approach and used different pool definitions
in the job definition, and then tied each pool definition to a separate
device.  Works like a charm, thanks again.



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