On Tue, 2009-12-01 at 10:47 -0500, John Drescher wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Shawn <sh...@artemide.us> wrote:
>         I didn't see what you meant, but you were right, in the
>         Exclude section was:
>         Wild = "[A-Z]:/Users/*/AppData/*"
>         Albeit that is certainly a mulligan - even if I have No
>         excludes at all against the AppData directory - strangely,
>         Bacula will just not back anything up but folder names within
>         that AppData directory - and not even all folders.  
>         I can specify */AppData/Roaming, or */AppData/Local - it
>         doesn't matter, it doesn't even Try to back them up!
>         I will conduct more experiments on this, but so far - even
>         adding an Include of a WildDir against all directories within
>         AppData just isn't helping.
>         I have abolished all AppData excludes, and even with the
>         following as the only includes, all it will back up is
>         */AppData/Local/History - Nothing else:
>               WildDir = "[A-Z]:/Users/*/AppData"
>               Wild = "[A-Z]:/Users/*/AppData/*"
>               WildDir = "[A-Z]:/Users/*/AppData/Local"
>               Wild = "[A-Z]:/Users/*/AppData/Local/*"
>               WildDir = "[A-Z]:/Users/*/AppData/LocalLow"
>               Wild = "[A-Z]:/Users/*/AppData/LocalLow/*"
>               WildDir = "[A-Z]:/Users/*/AppData/Roaming"
>               Wild = "[A-Z]:/Users/*/AppData/Roaming/*"
>         On a side note, however, I'm a tad overdue for a Bacula
>         Director upgrade, so maybe there was a fix they already knew
>         about in regards to this - especially since VSS is floppy on
>         the version I'm running. We'll see.
> This may have something to do with ntfs junction points (folders that
> are symbolic links to real folders somehwere else on the ntfs
> filesystem but I am not sure. I do not have any Vista or Windows7
> machines on my network. 
> -- 
> John M. Drescher

Thankfully, neither do I, in regards to Windows on the network :)
unfortunately, there are a couple machines I do have to back up, though.

In regards to the symbolic links, yes, Windows has the traditional
"Application Data" folder symbolic link, as an example, however I
specifically exclude these in my exclude statement - they're harmless
either way, because if they're included, all bacula does is complain
about the symbolic link.

The mystery behind the AppData hidden folder itself is a different beast
altogether though, but I suspect the bacula director upgrade (with
better Windows 2008 x64 VSS support) might do the trick, we'll see.


Shawn Qureshi
Artemide, Inc.
IT Specialist

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