On Wed, December 2, 2009 01:06, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> As far as I am concerned Sun OpenSource software venture stinks.  I
>> think with
>> all the noise about Oracle buying them, and their blunders in
>> implementation
>> of OpenSolaris, MySQL, and VirtualBox, they have little chance of
>> surviving
>> in the Open Source software market.  Perhaps their high-end hardware
>> offerings will fare better.
> To be fair, although the OpenSolaris venture was originally set up by
> Sun, it is not staffed nor operated by Sun (although Sun has input).  I
> use Sun Solaris 10 on my main server and I haven't had any problems with
> it, but I've heard many reports thaqt code from the OpenSolaris project
> is of ... shall we say, dubious stability.  OpenSolaris is widely
> considered not ready for production.
Ditto what he said.

OpenSolaris is (currently) really aimed at the Laptop world more than the
Enterprise - it is where all the nice new bits get exposed and have most
of the bugs ironed out of them.

Solaris 10, which is also free, is a lot stabler, modulo having hardware
that it wants to be stable on if you are in the x86/x64 world.

I have several S10 systems under my aegis, both SPARC and x64, and the x64
boxes have a sprinkling of VBox VM's on them, both 32- and 64-bit, and
I've had no trouble upgrading VBox (I always remove VBox before installing
the new version, and none of my VM's are created/owned by "root").

And I can't say I've noticed any problems with MySQL - but I've stuck with
the CoolStack/WebStack variants since they came out, that way someone
/else/ fixes the build before I see a binary.

All that said - I am *still* worried about what will happen if the
acquisition of Sun by Oracle goes through - and just as worried if it

                Gary    B-)

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