On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Brian Clarkson <bri...@lnstar.com> wrote:
> I've re-read the section on volume retention and volume recycling but
> I'm still confused.
> My backup files are being reused even though my director is configured
> to create new files.  Backups are working on schedule but my secondary,
> rsync-based backup is failing because the filenames and filesizes
> haven't changed.
> I did recently change the value of Recycle back to no.
> Pool {
>  Name = Default
>  Label Format = "${JobName}-${Level}-${NumVols}"
>  Pool Type = Backup
>  Recycle = no
>  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
>  Use Volume Once = yes
>  Volume Retention = 25 days         # one year
>  MaximumVolumeBytes = 512m
>  Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
> }
> `show pools` within the console looks right:
> Pool: name=Default PoolType=Backup
>      use_cat=1 use_once=1 cat_files=1
>      max_vols=0 auto_prune=1 VolRetention=25 days
>      VolUse=0 secs recycle=0 LabelFormat=${JobName}-${Level}-${NumVols}
>      CleaningPrefix=*None* LabelType=0
>      RecyleOldest=0 PurgeOldest=0
>      MaxVolJobs=1 MaxVolFiles=0 MaxVolBytes=0
>      MigTime=0 secs MigHiBytes=0 MigLoBytes=0
> The output of `list volumes` in the console shows the volumes are full
> or used, not purged.
> Do I need to manually mark each volume purged so bacula will start
> creating new files?

No that would make bacula use the old volumes. Purged is a state of recycling.

>How can I get bacula to create new files with each
> backup job?

Make the volume retention much longer. And then apply that to all of
your volumes.

However I suspect what you really want is after 25 days you want the
old volume to be deleted. For that you will need to have an external
script (that feeds commands to bconsole) fired by a cron job or admin


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