Thanks for the help. This got me going in just the right direction.


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Brian Debelius <> wrote:

> The copy job copies all uncopied jobs one job at a time, one job at a time.
>  If you need to limit this, you need to use your own sql command.  I pulled
> the SQL statement from the source that does the selection for the uncopied
> jobs, and modified it with a date range, and run this to do uncopied jobs in
> batches when the need arises.
> Watch for typos
> SELECT DISTINCT    Job.JobId FROM Job,Pool WHERE Pool.Name = 'MyPoolName'
> AND Pool.PoolId = Job.PoolId AND Job.Type = 'B' AND Job.JobStatus IN
> ('T','W') AND Job.jobBytes > 0 AND (Job.StartTime > '2009-09-01 00:00:00'
> AND Job.StartTime < '2009-10-27 00:00:00') AND Job.JobId NOT IN (SELECT
> PriorJobId FROM Job WHERE Type IN ('B','C') AND Job.JobStatus IN ('T','W')
> AND PrioJobId != 0) ORDER by Job.StartTime;
> Mingus Dew wrote:
>> In the documentation, there is an example for a Copy Job using the
>> Selection Type "PoolUncopiedJobs". I'd like to implement Copy Jobs using
>> this selection type. I currently have about 30 clients backed up into the
>> same Disk Pool. There are 28 days of backups on Disk for each client.
>> If I setup a Copy Job like the one below, will it Copy all the previous
>> Jobs in that Pool in one run? Is there a way to limit this?
>> If I use a SQLquery selection to Copy the previous 14 days, will the next
>> Copy using PoolUncopiedJobs only copy the Jobs since then, or will it go
>> back beyond as well?
>> For Pools like mine that contains many Jobs, will there only be 1 Copy Job
>> Id or does it create and ID for each Job being copied?
>> #
>> # Default template for a CopyDiskToTape Job
>> #
>> JobDefs {
>>  Name = CopyDiskToTape
>>  Type = Copy
>>  Messages = StandardCopy
>>  Client = None
>>  FileSet = None
>>  Selection Type = PoolUncopiedJobs
>>  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
>>  SpoolData = No
>>  Allow Duplicate Jobs = Yes
>>  Allow Higher Duplicates = No
>>  Cancel Queued Duplicates = No
>>  Cancel Running Duplicates = No
>>  Priority = 13
>> }
>> Schedule {
>>   Name = DaySchedule7:00
>>   Run = Level=Full daily at 7:00
>> }
>> Job {
>>  Name = CopyDiskToTapeFullBackups
>>  Enabled = Yes
>>  Schedule = DaySchedule7:00
>>  Pool = FullBackupsVirtualPool
>>  JobDefs = CopyDiskToTape
>> }
>> Thanks,
>> Shon
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