
I'm having the following problem: when I see the status of the director it shows the job as if I was running, but there is no transfer of files. Analyzing the status of the client in question, I see that there are actually two jobs running, but the first job appears just on client. On director, the jobid it has been completed.

Below is the output from "status dir" in bconsole, as shown there is no job running at the moment.

status dir

Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
Full           Backup     5  28-Dez-09 19:00    JBL-matriz-File01  JBL-V07

Running Jobs:
No Jobs running.
No Terminated Jobs.

After running a any job the scenario is :

*status dir
Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
Full           Backup     5  28-Dez-09 19:00    JBL-matriz-File01  JBL-V07

Running Jobs:
 JobId Level   Name                       Status
  1217 Differe  JBL-matriz-File02.2009-12-28_10.33.56.05 is running
No Terminated Jobs.

*stautus client=JBL

Running Jobs:
JobId 1046 Job JBL-matriz-File02.2009-12-25_20.00.00.41 is running.
    Backup Job started: 26-Dez-09 06:48
    Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 Errors=0
    Files Examined=0
    SDReadSeqNo=5 fd=5
JobId 1217 Job JBL-matriz-File02.2009-12-28_10.33.56.05 is running.
    Backup Job started: 28-Dez-09 10:34
    Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 Errors=0
    Files Examined=0
    SDReadSeqNo=5 fd=7
Director connected at: 28-Dez-09 10:34

As seen above, there are two jobs running on the client, but only the second, JobId 1217, is actually running on the director. The first, JobId 1046, has been completed the director, which does not leave me no choice but restart the bacula-dir.

Has anyone experienced this problem? Any idea how to solve it?

       #  Moabe F. Domingos
     # #  Suporte - F13 Tecnologia - www.f13.com.br
   # # #  mail: mo...@f13.com.br | fone: +55 85 3252 3836
 # # # #  msn: mo...@f13.com.br

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