On Wednesday 03 February 2010 19:51:59 Alex Ehrlich wrote:
> Hello,
> By no means was I going to upset or blame anybody. 

I don't think that anyone got upset -- at least not me. That said, we don't 
agree with all your points, or at least we see the problems from a different 

> I just wanted to 
> point out some weaknesses and shortcomings that currently exist and
> maybe to warm up some discussion -- what would benefit Bacula and its
> [even] wider adoption ;-). I see that the discussion has kind of
> started, although -- what a pity -- at the level of "Thats not Bacula
> community problem" 

In a way he is right -- we did not create the problem, but it does become our 

> and "Windows sux" (these quotes are not from Kern) :-(. 

Although, I have my favorite systems, I do try to remain reasonably OS (and 
SQL backend) neutral.   However, Windows does create quite a lot of problems 
for Bacula and in that sense it does suck -- the main problem with Windows in 
working with Bacula is that it is proprietary and expensive compared to 
Linux.  It is an important system though whether or not one thinks it sucks, 
so you will be seeing Bacula improving significantly its Windows capabilities 
over the next 6 months.
>  >> Just some examples of documentation points that would be worth
> improving:
>  >> ...
>  >
>  > Those are good points and would make good contributions.
> Our company is currently working on some. But while I have set up 3
> production sites with Bacula backup so far I still don't know *good*
> answers for some of those questions -- and, consequently, cannot
> contribute (some other have been documented by now and are on the way to
> be added to howtos). Maybe I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed?
> Possibly, but who is the intended audience then?

Hopefully you will publish them, and then you will probably discover who the 
intended audience is.

>  > This is an Open Source project that counts on contributions from the
> community.
>  > ...
>  > All I can say is: what do you expect from a community project
> I consider the project as having achieved very good results for an open
> source one (and for commercial one, too, actually). It is a really good
> backup system (after all, why would I implement it in production
> otherwise?). But most things in our life could be even better than they
> are.

Given time, I am confident life will be even better.  It has taken 10 years to 
get where we are, and we have a very solid base carry us forward.

>  > You apparently have not been reading what I have written about Bacula
> Systems.
> I have. However, I believed that even providing "support and
> consultancy" would benefit from the list of potential issues that might
> negatively affect deployments -- *for example*, in larger AD
> environments; but this was just my opinion about mostly-windows-based
> environments. 

Perhaps, but don't forget that for someone who thinks about Bacula 16 hours a 
day, the issues that hold Bacula back are for the most part pretty clear.  
What is needed is more help.  I do think it is well on the way with 
enterprises recognizing the value of Bacula, which will accelerate its 

> There are other people around that could list "most 
> critical points" for some other tasks/environments; backing up Exchange
> is a great example of resent task/environment-focused development.
>  > "undocumented" /S option, which if it exists must be some NSIS
> installer supported option
> Yes it's a NSIS option (some say that it is case sensitive) and I tried
> it and it worked for upgrade (not overwriting the existing
> bacula-fd.conf, that was very nice of it).


Best regards,


> Regards,
> Alex Ehrlich
> On 03.02.2010 15:38, Kern Sibbald wrote:

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