Mike Ruskai wrote:
> On 2/10/2010 10:52 AM, JanJaap Scholing wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> One question, how to backup the catalog.
>> We are using MySQL for the bacula catalog. This database is 
>> approximately 46 Gb in size.
>> When we use the backup script make_catalog_backup (supplied with 
>> bacula) to dump the database, bacula is not usable during the 
>> mysqldump process due to locked tables.
>> In this case its not possible to make a backup of the catalog every 
>> day. We don’t like a not responding bacula system ;)
>> My question is how do you make a good backup of the catalog  without 
>> interrupting the bacula functionality?
>> Thanks and regards
>> Jan Jaap
> So you want to back up a database while still being allowed to write 
> to that database at the same time?  It's simply not possible as 
> stated.  Your options, as far as I know, are these:
> 1)  Dump the database, as the Bacula script does, and wait for it to 
> complete.
> 2)  Flush the tables and copy the database files (if MyISAM), which 
> may or may not be faster (still must prevent DB writes).
> 3)  Set up a slave database that uses MySQL replication to mirror the 
> master database.  When you want to backup, take the slave offline to 
> do a dump or copy, leaving the master free to continue working.  You 
> will not back up whatever changes were made since the slave was taken 
> offline.
> I haven't messed around with MySQL replication just yet, so I don't 
> know how easily option 3 will work in practice.  But if you don't want 
> Bacula to be offline while doing a DB backup, that's your only real 
> option.  Even the expensive commercial DBMS's don't have a very good 
> solution to doing live backups.
If you use Postgresql, you could put database in backup mode for hot 
backup = http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/backup-online.html.


Heitor Faria

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